Monday 7 December 2015

Can you name this vegetable?

it’s harvest season, and lately much discussion around Canadian Living headquarters has centred around gardens. Our web food editor, Daniela Payne, was kind enough to bring in some of the spoils of her own garden, including this veggie, a lemon cucumber.
Lemon Cucumber
There are no lemon cucumbers sold at my grocery store, so I have to admit I was a bit confounded by the unfamiliar vegetable. These cucumbers taste mild, much like the more common cucumber varieties, with some prickles on their skin. And, of course, they get their name from their lemony shape and colour. They can be eaten like any other cucumber—in salads, in cold soups or on their own. I ate mine sliced, with just a bit of salt and pepper so I could savour the new food.
As you get older, there are fewer and fewer things you get to try for the first time, but when you look for them, you might be surprised at how many interesting new fruits and vegetables there are to try. Trying a brand new vegetable is just one of the many benefits of eating fresh from the garden. It can be easier to find many varieties of vegetables in seed form than it is to find them in the grocery store, so gardeners often get to try a wider range of varietals.
Variety is key to health. So if you have a garden, try swapping vegetables with a friend, neighbour or coworker this harvest season. You might just get to try something new.

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