Sunday 30 August 2015


Forty years ago, couples didn't have to wonder if they were going to be able to conceive a baby. Fertility problems were almost unheard of. Now, the problem is so widespread that if fertility rates continue to drop at the current rate, the world's fertility will fall below the global replacement rate in the next 10 to 40 years.1

Although much of the blame is placed on women, the reality is that more than half of all cases of infertility may be related to male factors.2 A 2012 study revealed that just 1 in 4 men have optimal semen quality.3 By some estimates, sperm counts around the world may have dropped by 50% since the 1930s.4

No one knows for sure what's causing this disturbing decline, but it's clear that some of the factors that plague our modern world in general are at least partly to blame. For example, toxic chemicals that act as endocrine disruptors, such as insecticides, flame retardants, and phthalates from plastics, affect hormones responsible for sperm production, and excessive oxidant stress can damage DNA and impair sperm function.5-9 Obesity is an additional factor.10

Despite the alarming increase in male infertility, the good news is that in many cases it's completely reversible. Numerous studies demonstrate that certain nutrients can directly impact sperm quality—and can ultimately result in improved pregnancy rates.11-14

Declining Sperm Quality
In order to understand what causes male factor infertility, we have to understand the concept of sperm quality. Sperm quality is determined by four factors:

The total number of sperm cells produced (sperm count),
Their physical attributes (morphology),
Their ability to move properly once ejaculated (motility), and
The integrity of their DNA.
Under ideal circumstances, a healthy young American male can produce 300 to 500 million sperm cells per ejaculation—but typically only one will fertilize an egg.15 In the 1940s, most young men routinely produced an average of 100 million sperm cells per mL of semen—well above the roughly 40 million/mL required to assure normal fertility.16 But recent studies of modern young men show a disturbing trend: Sperm concentrations are declining with many men having less than 40 million/mL, the minimum required for reliable, timely impregnation.16,17

Other aspects of sperm quality are at risk as well. Sperm motility (the ability to move forward to reach the egg), the volume of semen per ejaculate, and the number of normal sperm cells carrying undamaged DNA have diminished over the same time period.18-20 Even the volume of the specific testicular cells that produce testosterone has been in decline.21

To resolve all of these male factors using a medical approach would require multiple medications—many of them unproven and with substantial side effects.22-24 Because of that, women are still the ones who undergo fertility treatments in order to allow men with poor sperm quality to father children—even if they're not the underlying cause of the problem.25,26

However, none of that may be necessary. Many studies have demonstrated that certain nutrients can have a direct impact on sperm quality itself, potentially avoiding the need for expensive drugs or invasive procedures.11-14

Carnitine Boosts Fertility Rates
Sperm cells have to travel farther than any other single human cell—and they need a tremendous amount of energy in order to make the trek. That's what makes carnitine such a vital nutrient for men with poor sperm quality.

Carnitine is a vital transporter molecule whose function is to carry high-energy fat compounds into mitochondria, where they are "burned" to release their energy. This helps give sperm the boost they need if they are going to have a chance at fertilizing an egg. This is important because weakly-swimming sperm (asthenozoospermia) is one of the most important reasons for male factor infertility.27

Supplementation with L-carnitine and/or acetyl-L-carnitine has proven benefits on sperm quality.28-34 Doses of 2,000-3,000 mg/day of L-carnitine, and 500-1,000 mg/day of acetyl-L-carnitine have produced increases of sperm count, motility, straight-swimming ability, as well as total normal sperm forms in clinical studies.30-34 When men were treated with carnitine, their partners experienced pregnancy ranging from 22 to 31%. The pregnancy rates in the control groups (not receiving carnitine) ranged from 1.7 to 3.8%.27,35

Effects of Antioxidants on Sperm Quality
Nutrient Daily Dose Improvements in Sperm Quality Improvement in Pregnancy Rate
Vitamin C74-77 1,000 mg Count, motility, structure 100% (in combination with vitamin E)13
Vitamin E12,78-80 300 mg to 1000 mg* Enhances sperm binding to egg, reduced sperm DNA damage 21%
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)81-87 60 mg Count, motility 16%
Selenium11,88-92 200 to 225 mcg Motility (all measures of sperm quality in combination with NAC )91 10.8%(in combination with vitamin E)88
N-acetylcysteine (NAC )91 600 mg Motility, structure, count, and volume Not yet studied
Zinc93-98 66 mg Count Not yet studied
*Equivalent to 447-1,490 IU d-alpha-tocopherol (natural form) or 666-2,220 IU dl-alpha-tocopherol (synthetic form).99
Antioxidants Protect Developing Sperm
Because sperm cells need so much energy, they generate oxidation—which can ultimately damage cell membranes, DNA molecules, and the very mitochondria that power the cell in the first place.

There's a well-known association between oxidant stress, the antioxidant capacities of sperm cells and semen, and final sperm quality.36,37 In general, men with elevated markers of oxidation show impaired sperm count and more abnormally-formed cells.9 Conversely, good cellular antioxidant defenses have higher sperm counts and better motility. In other words, men with better sperm quality have higher overall intakes of antioxidant nutrients than men with poor sperm quality.38 That effect seems to be amplified in older men, many more of whom are choosing to start pregnancies than ever before.

A number of antioxidants have proven abilities to boost sperm quality. These include vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), selenium, n-acetylcysteine (NAC), and zinc.

Let's take a look at zinc and NAC, antioxidants with especially potent abilities to enhance sperm quality.

Zinc deficiency is associated with poor sperm quality resulting from increased oxidant stress in seminal plasma, the liquid portion of semen that is responsible for maintaining sperm cells in a healthy state.39,40 Depletion of zinc also reduces the volume of semen produced.41

Studies in both animal models and humans demonstrate significant improvements in sperm quality following zinc supplementation, especially in cases of known infertility. Supplementation increases sperm counts, mobility, and fertilizing capacity, and decreases levels of DNA damage, structural abnormalities in sperm, and levels of antibodies to sperm that can impair sperm quality.42,43 Studies show an increase of as much as 74% in total normal sperm count in previously sub-fertile men taking 66 mg/day of zinc, particularly when folic acid 5,000 mcg/day is added to the supplementation.44

The benefits of zinc supplementation are especially prominent in smokers, whose total body oxidant levels are vastly higher than those of nonsmokers. In addition, smokers accumulate toxic levels of another metal element, cadmium, which accumulates in testicular tissue and further adds to oxidant stress.45 These effects produce substantial losses of sperm quality and fertility in smokers.45 Studies show that zinc supplementation reduces the impact of cadmium toxicity and boosts sperm quality in smokers.45,46

What You Need to Know
Scientists have observed a worldwide decline in sperm quality, which is a measure of sperm count, motility, structure, and DNA integrity.
Left unchecked, this epidemic could spell massive reductions in the human fertility rate, especially in the industrialized nations where the problem is most acute.
Reasons for decreasing sperm quality are not fully understood, but clearly include certain major dietary and environmental factors that result from the modern age.
No medication has yet been found that can uniformly and safely improve sperm quality.
A large handful of nutritional supplements offers real hope for improvement in sperm quality and, more importantly, for improving fertility rates and the birth of healthy offspring.
Antioxidant vitamins and minerals, along with natural molecules such as coenzyme Q10, N-acetylcysteine, lycopene, carnitine, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and Ashwaganda (Withania somnifera) all improve sperm quality with near zero side effects.
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a modified amino acid with potent direct antioxidant effects; it also boosts natural cellular antioxidant systems such as glutathione. NAC was first used to reverse oxidative toxicity produced by overdoses of acetaminophen (Tylenol® and others), and found later use in reducing the viscosity (thickness) of secretions on cystic fibrosis.

Both of these characteristics of NAC make it appealing as a means of boosting overall sperm and semen quality.

As an antioxidant, NAC has been shown to reduce concentrations of destructive reactive oxygen species in human semen, contributing to improvements in motility.47,48 A dose of 600 mg/day of oral NAC improved volume and motility in men with known male factor infertility.48 And, like zinc, NAC's antioxidant powers make it an effective antidote for toxic chemicals that have negative effects on sperm quality: experiments in mice demonstrate that NAC supplementation can reverse the effects of arsenic, a well-known environmental toxin.49

NAC's ability to reduce viscosity in body secretions provides an additional asset. The same 600 mg/day dose reduces semen viscosity, making it easier for sperm to move forward and reach their goal of fertilizing an egg cell.48

NAC, both alone and in combination with selenium supplements, helps to raise serum testosterone levels as well as improving parameters of sperm quality.50

What You Need to Know
More and more men are deciding to become fathers later and later in life, according to recent studies.100 That trend raises important questions about the impact of the father's age on the outcome of the pregnancy and the health of the infant.

Most data suggest substantial risk factors associated with increased paternal age, factors that can influence both fertility (the likelihood of conceiving) and genetic risk for the offspring.100

For these reasons, older men must be especially careful to load the dice as much in their favor as possible, in order to maximize their chances of successful conception and healthy fatherhood.

Two recent studies on dietary antioxidant combinations provide an excellent guide.

In the first study, researchers examined micronutrient intake in a group of men 22 to 80 years old.101They determined the amount of sperm DNA damage as a marker of overall sperm health.

Overall, the study showed that men with the highest intake of vitamins C and E, folate, and zinc, had roughly 16% less sperm DNA damage than did men with lower intakes of these antioxidant nutrients. The benefit was enhanced among the older members of the study group (ages 44-80); in fact, men in that group with the highest overall intake of those micronutrients showed levels of sperm damage similar to those of the younger men.101

The second study involved a group of men who were known to be infertile by reason of low sperm counts with abnormally formed sperm.102 Researchers provided the subjects with an oral antioxidant supplement containing l-carnitine, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E, zinc, folate, selenium, and vitamin B12 over a 3-month time period.

There was a significant improvement in DNA integrity and the proportion of sperm cells with highly degraded DNA, at all time points evaluated.102 At the same time, there were significant increases in other measures of sperm quality such as concentration, motility, vitality, and structure.

These studies offer new hope for the growing number of men who seek to start (or grow) their families later in life. A broad-spectrum plan of supplementation with multiple antioxidant nutrients seems likely to boost a man's overall chances of successfully initiating a healthy pregnancy.

Lycopene Helps Reverse Male Infertility
Lycopene is a natural, plant-derived carotenoid pigment that provides the red color of tomatoes, watermelon, and other fruits. It has powerful antioxidant characteristics and is involved in a variety of other cellular activities as well.

Low intake of lycopene in the diet is associated with poor semen quality and male factor infertility.38,51 However, supplementing with lycopene has been shown to reverse some or all of that damage.

In one study, men with impaired fertility were given 2 mg of lycopene twice daily. The results were impressive: 66% had improved sperm concentration, 53% had improved motility, and 46% showed improved numbers of normal sperm forms.52 Twenty-three percent of men in this study achieved fatherhood.

Another way lycopene enhances sperm quality is by reducing the impact of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs), the dangerous sugar/protein structures that form over a lifetime of exposure to blood glucose. In one study, supplementing with 20 mg of lycopene daily resulted in decreased presence of sRAGE, a marker of AGE activity in semen.53

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Sperm Count
In addition to their need to travel long distances, sperm cells must have very specific membrane characteristics in order to be able to bind to the membrane of an egg and produce a living embryo. Much of those special characteristics come from the sperm's high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.54,55

Men with defects in sperm quality or sperm counts typically have low levels of omega-3s, or low ratios of omega-3 to omega-6 fats, in their semen and sperm cell composition.54,56,57 On the other hand, higher omega-3 levels and ratios are directly correlated with improved sperm motility, concentration, and structure.54

Lab and animal studies reveal that sperm cells supplemented with omega-3s have improved motility and fewer markers of oxidative stress compared with control cells.58,59 Omega-3 fats, (specifically EPA and DHA), have been found to restore fertility and impaired sperm production in animal studies.60,61 Human studies show that supplementing with 1,840 mg a day of a combination of DHA and EPA improved total sperm count and concentration.62 An omega-3-rich Mediterranean-style diet boosts the chances of successful pregnancy in previously-infertile couples by 40%.61

Vitamin D Deficiency Contributes to Infertility
One study examining spermatozoa quality found 44% of the men studied had 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood levels below 20 ng/mL. Optimal levels are over 50 ng/mL, so these men were seriously deficient in vitamin D, as most people are who don't supplement with more than 5,000 IU/day. This could have a huge impact on the rising rate of male factor infertility. Serum vitamin D levels are positively correlated with sperm motility and normal structure.63

It was not until 2006 that a receptor molecule for vitamin D was detected on the surface of sperm cells.64,65 Since that time, the receptor has been found in all tissues of the male reproductive tract.66

Vitamin D deficiency reduces the ability of male lab animals to deposit sperm in female reproductive tracts by 45%, and the rate of successful pregnancies in females who received sperm from D-deficient males is decreased by 73%.67

However, when vitamin D is added to live human sperm cells in the lab, it produces a sharp increase in sperm motility, along with rapid development of the "acrosome reaction" that allows the sperm cell to attach to the egg.66

Although no human studies have been reported on the impact of vitamin D supplementation on male factor infertility, men facing fertility problems should still consider supplementing with this nutrient—especially given the powerful effects of vitamin D in lab and animal studies, coupled with the high rates of vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency among Americans. At the very least, consider supplementing to bring plasma vitamin D levels into the range considered sufficient by conventional medicine (greater than 32 ng/mL) range. This can often be accomplished by daily supplementation with vitamin D3 at 1,000 to 2,000 IU/day, though up to 5,000 IU is safe and may be needed in certain cases.68-70

Ashwagandha Improves Sperm Quality
Stress is a major factor in the modern infertility epidemic. It increases oxidative damage, inflammation, and other harmful conditions that are known to reduce sperm quality.71

One way to combat stress-related infertility is with a plant used in Ayurvedic and other traditional medical systems for reducing stress. Studies have shown that Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) can treat stress-related infertility.71

When 60 infertile men took Ashwagandha root powder daily for 3 months, they experienced decreased measures of stress, increased levels of antioxidants, and improved overall sperm quality.71 By the end of the 3 months, the partners of 14% of those men had conceived pregnancies.

Ashwagandha extract works in several ways to improve sperm quality: It inhibits lipid peroxidation, reduces markers of glycation, improves seminal levels of antioxidant enzymes and vitamins A, C, and E, and increases serum testosterone and other reproductively critical hormones.72,73

The global decline in sperm quality, especially prominent in industrialized nations, has the potential to threaten the survival of humankind. Many reasons for this decline have been proposed, the strongest of which have to do with environmental and dietary factors unique to the modern age.

Since male factor infertility accounts for more than half of all infertility cases, it is incumbent upon men to optimize their sperm quality. Sadly, no medication or conventional medical treatment seems capable of reversing this dangerous trend.

Nutritional supplements often hold out hope where pharmaceutical medicine fails, and the area of sperm quality is no exception. Antioxidant and cell energizing nutrients can improve sperm motility, sperm count, and the number of normal sperm cells, while reducing damage to sperm DNA—ultimately improving the chances of successful pregnancy.

What are the health benefits of zinc?

Zinc is an important mineral required for countless reactions and functions in the body, including proper growth and immune function, DNA synthesis, cell division and cellular metabolism. The highest concentrations of zinc in the body are found in the liver, pancreas, kidney, bone, muscles and eyes.

The World Health Organization has identified zinc deficiency as one of the top factors contributing to disease in underdeveloped countries.

This MNT Knowledge Center feature is part of a collection of articles on the health benefits of popular vitamins and minerals. It provides an in-depth look at recommended intake of zinc, its possible health benefits, foods high in zinc and any potential health risks of consuming zinc.

Contents of this article:

Recommended intake
Possible health benefits of consuming zinc
Foods sources of zinc
Potential health risks of consuming zinc
Recommended intake
The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for zinc is 8 milligrams per day for adult females and 11 milligrams per day for adult males.

Zinc is required for countless reactions and functions in the body, including proper growth and immune function, DNA synthesis, cell division and cellular metabolism.
Adequate zinc intake is especially important for children because even mild zinc deficiency can impede growth, increase risk of infection and increase risk of diarrhea and respiratory disease.

The recommended intake for children 1-8 years old ranges from 3-5 milligrams, increasing as the child gets older.

Males 9-13 years old require 8 milligrams of zinc per day. After the age of 14, the requirement increases to the 11 milligrams per day that is required for all adult males.

For females over the age of 8, the requirement stays stable at 8 milligrams per day, except for ages 14-18, where the recommendation increases to 9 milligrams per day.

Pregnant and lactating women have an increased need for zinc at 11-13 milligrams per day, depending on age.

Along with growth retardation, zinc deficiency can cause delayed wound healing, decreased taste perception, skin lesions, night blindness and hair loss. Zinc deficiency has also been linked with neuronal plasticity defects and impact behavior in children with ADHD.5

Zinc supplements are available, but it is best to obtain any vitamin or mineral through food. It is not the individual vitamin or mineral alone that make certain foods an important part of our diet, but the synergy of nutrients in that food working together.

It has been proven time and again that isolating certain nutrients in supplement form will not provide the same health benefits as consuming the nutrient from a whole food. First focus on obtaining your daily zinc requirement from foods, then use supplements as a backup if necessary.

Possible health benefits of consuming zinc
Common cold
Although zinc deficiency is known to depress immune function, the widely used zinc gluconate lozenges and chews often used to prevent or treat the common cold have not yet been found to be an effective treatment in studies and trials in those with normal zinc status.

Proper growth
Zinc deficiency was first discovered in adolescent boys suffering from mild anemia, short stature and delayed sexual maturation. Their diets were high in unrefined cereals and unleavened breads, both high in phytate, which competes with zinc for absorption.

Once zinc deficiencies were corrected, the boys grew as much as 5 inches per year. Infant and children's foods such as ready to eat cereals are now fortified with zinc.

Decreased risk of age-related chronic disease
A study from researchers at Oregon State University have found that improving zinc status through diet and supplementation may reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases.

Using cell cultures, and a mouse model, researchers were able to show that age-related reductions in zinc status may lead to impaired immune system function and systemic inflammation, both contributing factors to chronic diseases.

Adults 60 years of age and older from food-insufficient households have a significantly higher risk of zinc deficiency, reporting an intake of less than 50% of the Recommended Daily Intake for zinc compared with adults from food-sufficient households.2

Fighting age-related macular degeneration (AMD):
AMD is an age-related disease that gradually deteriorates the part of the eye responsible for clear central vision, significantly decreasing reading ability and facial recognition. Zinc supplementation has been shown to the decrease risk of developing more advanced AMD by 25% and lower risk of central vision loss by 19%.

Wound healing
Zinc plays a role in maintaining skin integrity and structure. Patients experiencing chronic wound or ulcers often have deficient zinc metabolism and lower serum zinc levels. Those with low levels should be treated with increased zinc. However, research has not consistently shown that use of zinc sulfate in patients with chronic wounds or ulcers is effective at improving healing rate.

Several studies and trials have linked poor zinc status with low sperm quality. For example, one study in the Netherlands found that subjects had a higher sperm count after zinc sulfate and folic acid supplementation.3

In another study, researchers concluded that poor zinc intake may be a risk factor for low quality of sperm and male infertility.

Foods sources of zinc
The best sources of zinc are beans, animal meats, nuts, fish and other seafood, whole grain cereals and dairy products. Zinc is also added to some breakfast cereals and other fortified foods.

The typical western diet allows for adequate zinc intake, at an average range of between 10-15 milligrams per day.

Several dietary factors can decrease zinc absorption. Phytates (found in whole-grain breads, cereals and legumes), copper, calcium and folic acid may all reduce zinc absorption. Zinc absorption is increased when consumed with red wine, glucose, lactose or soy protein.

Vegetarians may require up to 50% more than the recommended intake of zinc because of low bioavailability of zinc from plant-based foods.

Raw oysters are a valuable source of zinc, containing 14.1 mg per 3 oz.
Raw oysters (Pacific), 3 oz: 14.1 mg
Beef, lean chuck roast, braised, 3 oz: 7.0 mg
Baked beans, canned, ½ cup: 6.9 mg
Crab, King Alaskan, cooked, 3 oz: 6.5 mg
Ground beef, lean, 3 oz: 5.3 mg
Lobster, cooked, 3 oz: 3.4 mg
Pork loin, lean, cooked, 3 oz: 2.9 mg
Wild rice, cooked, ½ cup: 2.2 mg
Peas, green, cooked, 1 cup: 1.2 mg
Yogurt, plain, 8 oz: 1.3 mg
Pecans, 1 oz: 1.3 mg
Peanuts, dry roasted, 1 oz: 0.9 mg.
Potential health risks of consuming zinc
The upper limit for zinc in adults is 40 milligrams per day. Ingestion of toxic amounts of zinc is rare, but can cause GI irritation and vomiting.1 High levels of zinc supplementation are known to cause copper deficiency and impair iron absorption.

It is the total diet or overall eating pattern that is most important in disease prevention and achieving good health. It is better to eat a diet with a variety than to concentrate on individual nutrients as the key to good health.

Ashwagandha and Sperm Count

Ayurvedic herb ashwagandha was recently studied for its effects in men with low sperm count, also known as oligospermia. Male infertility accounts from anywhere from 30-50% of infertility worldwide. IVF is an expensive procedure that is often used to treat male factor infertility, however, there is good evidence that many natural supplements and antioxidants may improve the sperm count and as such, improve fertility.
This double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial investigated a group of 46 male patients between 26 and 40 years of age who had low sperm count, between 5-20 million/ml. The group receiving the treatment were given 225 mg per day of a full spectrum root extract of ashwagandha.
Ashwagandha is known as “Indian Ginseng”, and has been used for approximately 6000 years as an adaptogen in Ayurvedic medicine. It is touted for its ability to combat stress, fatigue and disease. Ashwagandha root has also been used traditionally as an aphrodesiac and has been found in numerous studies to increase the secretion of testosterone in humans and animals.
It is for this reason that I recommend that women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome do NOT use Ashwagandha for stress, fertility or adrenal health (even though it is present in many fertility formulas for women). Women with PCOS already have high levels of male hormones.
Surprisingly, after just 90 days of therapy, the study found that the ashwagandha group experienced a whopping 167% increase in the amount of sperm when compared to the control group. It was also found that the ashwagandha group experienced a 53% increase in sperm volume and a 57% increase in motility.
Serum testosterone also increased in this study by 17%, and LH (luteinizing hormone) by 54%. It is quite clear that ashwagandha is a tonic to the male reproductive system when the information from this study and previous studies are combined.
It is thought that ashwagandha works not only through improving male hormone parameters, but also by reducing stress. it is known that stress increases the amount of radical oxygen species that can damage the sperm. According to studies, ashwagandha may lower the stress response and as such reduce the amount of oxidative stress that decreases sperm production.
In this case it appears that traditional wisdom may be correct, in finding that this simple root has significant effects in improving the production of male hormones and sperm.

Saturday 29 August 2015

22 Health Benefits of Ginger Root & Ginger Tea

Ginger is not often used by the majority of Americans, even though it commonly appears in the kitchens of countries across the globe. With so many healthy properties to it, it makes sense to start adding this to more of your dishes, or to start brewing a daily glass of ginger tea. It’s easy enough to make ginger tea, simply add boiling water to slices of ginger root. Adding lemon is a way to make it taste better and get more benefits from it.

Prevention and Treatment

Fights Cancer – There are particular cancers that ginger has been shown to help treat, including ovarian cancer. Research has proven that ginger can act to literally obliterate ovarian cancer cells. Even more promising is that the cells actually end up killing and attacking themselves. This is good news for those that already have cancer, and reason enough to start having more ginger show up in your diet if you’re currently cancer-free.

Helps with Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Those suffering from IBS will be happy to note that getting more ginger should spell relief from the symptoms of the condition. The interesting thing to note is that it doesn’t seem to matter how you get the ginger into your system, whether including more ginger root in your cooking, taking ginger supplements, or brewing ginger tea, they all seem to have a calming effect on the bowels and digestive system.

Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease – If Alzheimer’s runs in your family, or you are just worried about coming down with the debilitating disease, you should think about incorporating more ginger into your diet and daily routine. Research has shown that ginger helps to slow down the loss of brain cells that typically is a precursor to Alzheimer’s. By protecting and preserving these cells you are prolonging the amount of good years you have being alert and coherent and aware of your surroundings.

Weight Loss

Stimulates Appetite – If you have a sluggish digestive system and find that you need to get your digestive fires going before a meal, ginger can help. It may be the case that you don’t produce enough stomach acid, and ginger can act as an appetite stimulant, getting your digestive juices revved up so that you are able to digest your meal better. Improper digestion of foods leaves them fermenting in your digestive tract, and can contribute to weight gain.

Helps with Weight Loss – Losing weight is one of the most significantly positive things you can do for your overall health, and ginger can play an integral role in the process. The reason is because it acts as a fat burner, specifically helping to make sure that the weight you’re losing is from fat, and not just general weight or water loss. Another factor that helps shed the pounds is that ginger helps you feel full, so you’ll eat less and feel fuller longer, reducing your overall caloric intake.

Relieves Tired Muscles – The sort of muscle tiredness you get after strength training is the type that ginger works best on. This means that your muscles will recover better and allow you to take part in cardio workouts on your off days. It means you’ll be more likely to be more active instead of being out of commission on the days following your weight lifting workouts. Increased lean muscle mass generally equates to natural weight loss as you burn calories around the clock.

Helps Manage Glucose Levels – Research out of Australia suggests that ginger can help keep blood glucose levels in check. This is important because these levels have a direct impact on weight loss and weight gain, as well as how energetic or lethargic you feel throughout the day. If you’ve noticed that you get a midday crash it’s likely due to your blood sugar levels, and adding ginger to your lunch might help you stay focused and on task. An all-natural alternative to products like 5 Hour “Energy”.

Helps the Body Absorb Nutrients – When you’re trying to lose weight getting the right nutrients is essential. But if your body is overweight and not used to getting the nutrients it needs, it may have become used to not getting the required vitamins and now it doesn’t properly absorb them. More ginger means that you’ll be better absorbing the sort of nutrients that will help you in your pursuit and get you better results more quickly with the same amount of effort.

General Health and Well-Being

Helps with Morning Sickness – Pregnant women might want to opt for more ginger intake when they are suffering from bouts of morning sickness. The ginger acts as calming agent, and when compared to a placebo came through with shining colors in clinical tests. It’s always fun when an all-natural remedy gets backed by scientific research. It’s as if science is finally figuring out that natural herbs and foods have great value.

Reduces Arthritic Inflammation – The anti-inflammatory nature of ginger means that it can help with a host of inflammation-based conditions and diseases. Not least of which is arthritis, which millions of American suffer from, with millions more diagnosed each years as the baby boomer population grow older. There is even a bit of a pain relief characteristic to ginger, which is welcome news to those that don’t want to take a pill every day to relieve pain.

Opens Up Inflamed Airways – If you have asthma you have likely been scouring the Internet for ways to help open up your airways that don’t involve taking steroid-based medications. Ginger has been shown to open up airways by reducing inflammation, and it can also relieve any pain symptoms caused by the problem. This may not solve your asthma condition on its own, but it can be used as part of a comprehensive approach.

Improves Circulation – Ginger gets the blood in your body flowing, which will give you a feeling of having more energy, and can help you with any feelings of sluggishness or fatigue. It’s a great thing to drink if you live in a cold climate, because it will provide the sort of warmth you’re really after, the kind that comes from the inside and radiates out. This is because it is opening your pores and getting your overall circulation functioning better.

Looking for more superfoods? See why you should be using coconut oil & drinking green tea whenever you can.

Minor Ailments

Heals Frostbite – Here’s a handy tip to remember if you ever come down with a case of frostbite. You can drink ginger tea during your recovery process to speed things along. Ginger will help to improve your circulation, which helps your body return the affected parts back to their normal state. You don’t have to drink very much of it in order to get the desired results, just about 8 ounces a day is all that’s necessary to have it work.

Stops Motion Sickness – Ginger has long been used as a natural remedy for motion sickness. It is most effective when used as a deterrent to motion sickness when on the water. It’s so good at what it does that it has even been shown to outdo OTC medications like Dramamine. It knocks out all of the accompanying symptoms of motion sickness, so you don’t have to worry about getting dizzy, feeling nauseous, breaking into cold sweats, or worse, puking out the window or over the side of the boat.

Blocks Acid from Heartburn – If you frequently get heartburn, you should consider using ginger as a way to get around it. The excess acid that leads to the condition can be undone by the properties of ginger. The nice thing is that ginger is far more economical than an over-the-counter drug or a prescription drug on most health plans. Another side benefit is that there are no side effects to taking it, and it can be used for the long term with no worries.

Relieves Gas – Gas can be embarrassing at the wrong times, and there are a ton of anti-gas products on the market. If you’re looking for a more natural way to treat it you should start buying and using more ginger. Ginger tea is easy enough to make and drink and if you drink it before you go to sleep you can let it work overnight while you’re sleeping. It should act to clear out your digestive system and neutralize the problem from the inside.

Provides Pain Relief – No matter what type of pain you’re suffering from, ginger can act as a natural pain reliever. It’s interesting to think that a root that grows in nature can actually affect how much pain you’re experiencing. It works on a hormonal level, and the anti-inflammatory nature means that overall you should have fewer aches and pains. Consider starting your morning with a cup of ginger tea and see if you notice improvements throughout the day.

Clears Sinuses – If you’re looking for sinus relief without having to resort to an over-the-counter drug, turn to ginger first. There is an active ingredient in ginger that has shown to work wonders on the sinuses, helping to unclog them and facilitate drainage. All you need to do is brew a nice cup of hot ginger tea to get the benefits without the use of medications with possible side effects.

Improves Your Breath – Unlike other foods like garlic, ginger can actually help to improve the status of your breath. Eaten towards the end of your meal it can cleanse the palate and leave your mouth feeling refreshed. You can also drink it as a beverage mixed with simple hot water. It’s a great way to flush out your mouth and neutralize a bad taste in your mouth, like the dreaded “coffee breath” from drinking coffee.

Super Spice

Increases Sexual Desire – With an increased function in the circulatory system, it’s no wonder that ginger has been referenced as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years. It didn’t take long for people to make the connection that after consuming ginger they felt an extra pep in their step and felt like things were firing on all cylinders. The nice part is that it works for both sexes equally, since both the clitoris and penis rely heavily on circulation in order to become aroused and engorged.

Strengthens Immunity – This is a fantastic feature to ginger that should pique the curiosity of anyone that was contemplating taking it or not. An improved immune system can mean that you get sick less often, that you recover more quickly when you do get sick, and that even if everyone else around you is coming down with an illness you can stay healthy. The research behind this property is solid, this is another instance where science is backing up an all-natural remedy.

Protects Against Nuclear Radiation – Hopefully not something you have to worry about in the near future, but still good to know in case World War III breaks out. But those living near the Fukushima disaster area have given strong consideration to upping their ginger intake with this news. If you want to get the full benefits of this feature you’ll have to have a daily dose of ginger so it’s in your system, and stays there.

Hopefully you’ve seen that it’s a good idea to add ginger to your list of things to buy on your next grocery trip. No matter what format you choose, whether you want to use ginger root in your meals, brew some ginger tea, or buy it in supplement form, you should be able to experience its many benefits. Just be sure that if you get it in supplement form you’re getting an organic brand, free of any other fillers.

Ginger FAQ

Does ginger boost metabolism?

One of ginger’s properties is to increase your metabolism, but it does so only slightly, and not enough to rely on as the sole way of getting the job done. But as far as part of a comprehensive plan to boost your metabolism, including increasing the amount of lean muscle you have, it could create a synergistic effect and leave you in a state of 24 hour fat burning.

Will ginger make you sleepy?

Because of its calming nature on many systems of the body, a common question is whether ginger will make you sleepy or drowsy. There are other properties of ginger that make it unlikely that it will make you sleepy. It increases the circulation and most users report that it gives them more energy, not less. When it is time for sleep though, ginger may help remove toxins that used to lead to sleeplessness, allowing you to fall asleep more easily.

Is ginger calming?

Because ginger improves the circulation, many report a feeling of warmth, and subsequent calm after taking it. It also has calming and soothing properties for the internal organs due to its anti-inflammatory effects. Many times ginger ale is served to someone that has an upset stomach, due to its calming properties.

Does ginger give you energy?

It may give you energetic feelings because it is increasing the circulatory system, allowing the blood inside you to move more freely throughout the body. The sensation this provides is one where you feel the get up and go that you once did in your younger years. It’s hard to define just what energy means, but this should help you feel like you can be more active.

Will ginger make you poop?

There is some anecdotal evidence that ginger helps keep you regular, or acts as a laxative, but it is not as reliable as other all-natural herbs and spices that are known to get things moving. Because it helps to cleanse your digestive tract, it can also lead to more frequent bowel movements, but isn’t by itself typically used to stimulate the bowels.

Is ginger easy to digest?

For most people ginger is easy to digest, and actually aids in the digestion of other foods. Of course there are cases where some have reported having trouble digesting and processing ginger. If you are worried about being able to process it properly, start off with a little bit and see how you respond to it, gradually increasing your intake as you get the all clear from your body.

Does ginger boost the immune system?

One of the properties of ginger is that it does help to strengthen the immune system. Studies have shown that cancer patients taking daily supplements of ginger are able to recover more quickly from anti-cancer procedures compared to those that take nothing or a placebo.

Is ginger high in vitamins?

Ginger isn’t really known for the high amount of vitamins it contains, but rather the effect it has on the body directly. It has small amounts of Vitamin A and C, but nothing to write home about.

Does ginger cause gas?

It shouldn’t, in fact it helps to neutralize gases from forming in your digestive system, and drinking ginger tea on a regular basis should cut down on the amount of gas you have overall.

Is ginger low carb?

There are 18 grams of carbs in 100 grams of ginger, so it’s about 18% carbs. Compare that to 80% of rice coming from carbs. It would likely fit well into a low-carb diet, and should help you feel full for longer periods of time, helping to overcome the strong feelings of hunger that come from low-carb diets.

Does ginger dehydrate you?

Ginger acts as a diuretic, so if you don’t keep yourself properly hydrated you might find that you get dehydrated more quickly. Be sure to drink an extra glass of water to account for your ginger intake.