Wednesday 29 April 2015


Nuts have gotten a bad rap for being too high in fat, but the truth about them is that nuts, especially walnuts, are a powerhouse of nutrition.
health benefits of walnuts
Helps you lose weight
Contrary to what people believe, walnuts are actually good for weight management since an ounce of walnut contains 2.5g of omega 3 fats, 4g of protein and 2g of fibre that help provide satiety. Any successful weight management plan must include the satiety factor; so walnut is undoubtedly the right food to consider if you are into a weight management programme. Despite being ‘dense in calories, walnuts can be an important tool in helping you lose weight.  Here are some other food options that can help you lose weight.
Helps you sleep
The nuts can improve sleep, as they contain hormone melatonin, that induces sleep and helps regulate sleep. This makes walnuts a great evening or bedtime snack for improving your sleep. 
Great for your hair
Walnut is a good ‘hair food’ too. This is because walnut contains biotin (vitamin B7) that helps strengthen hair, reduce hair fall and improve hair growth to certain extent. In addition to walnuts, you can try these foods to prevent hair loss.
Helps keep heart disease at bay
Walnuts are rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids which makes them really effective in combating heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids also helps in combating bad cholesterol and encourages the production of good cholesterol making it a great snack to keep your heart in great health. 
Prevents diabetes
According to a study, women who consumed 28 grams of walnuts twice a week, were 24% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. The study was published in the Journal of Nutrition, and even though it was conducted on women, experts believe that the benefits would be similar for men too. Read more about the foods you can eat to keep diabetes at bay. 
Boosts your sperm quality
Eating 2.5 ounces of walnuts per day improves semen quality in healthy young men, researchers say. According to a study by UCLA researchers, eating 75 grams of walnuts a day improves the vitality, motility, and morphology of sperm in healthy men aged 21 to 35. Here are some food items you can eat to boost your fertility.
Makes your skin glow
Walnuts are rich in B-vitamins and antioxidants which prevents your skin from free radical damage and prevents wrinkles and signs of ageing. So if you want glowing skin long into your middle-age, eat walnuts. Besides walnuts, you can also eat these fruits and vegetables for glowing skin. 
Can keep dementia at bay
Eating walnuts everyday can help ward off dementia, say scientists. In the study, Dr. Abha Chauhan and his team from the New York State Institute found that mice deprived of walnuts suffered a dramatic loss in learning, memory and physical and emotional control. According to the results, vitamin E and flavanoids in walnuts helped destroy harmful free radical chemicals that cause dementia. 
Prevents pancreatic cancer
A new study has found that consumption of nuts, including walnuts, is inversely associated with risk of pancreatic cancer, independent of other potential risk factors for pancreatic cancer. Researchers looked at the association between nut consumption and risk of pancreatic cancer among 75,680 women in the Nurses’ Health Study, with no previous history of cancer. It was observed that the women who consumed a one-ounce serving of nuts two or more times per week had a significantly reduced risk of pancreatic cancer compared to those who largely abstained from nuts. 
Helps you live longer
Eating a handful of walnuts just thrice a week is the key to a longer life, a study has found. Scientists discovered that these edible seeds cut the risk of dying from cancer by 40 per cent and from cardiovascular disease by at least 55 per cent. In general, nut eaters in the research had a 39 per cent lesser risk of death and walnut eaters in particular a 45 per cent reduced threat. Researchers have also found that eating a polyphenol rich diet can help you live longer. 
Great for pregnant women
Mothers-to-be who eat a diet rich in fatty acids such as those found in walnuts can reduce the baby’s chances of developing food allergies, researchers say. The research found that if a mother’s diet contains a certain group of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), the baby”s gut develops differently. The PUFAs are thought to improve how gut immune cells respond to bacteria and foreign substances, making the baby less likely to suffer from allergies. Here are 10 diet dos and don’ts during pregnancy by expert dietician Naini Setalvad. 
Lowers breast cancer risk
The researchers at the Marshall University found that a daily dose of walnuts – equal to 2 ounces a day in humans – reduces the growth of breast cancer tumors in mice. Lead researcher Elaine Hardman, Ph.D., of Marshall’s Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, and colleagues studied the mice from the mother, through conception and throughout life. They then compared mice given walnuts to those fed a regular diet. The research found that the group whose diet included walnut at both stages developed breast cancer at less than half the rate of the group with the typical diet.  In addition, the number of tumors and their sizes were significantly smaller.
Can fight stress
If daily stress is taking a toll on your health, it’s time to eat walnuts, as they help fight stress, according to a study. The researchers found that including walnuts and walnut oil in the diet lowered both resting blood pressure and blood pressure responses to stress in the laboratory. Walnuts are a rich source of fibre, antioxidants, and unsaturated fatty acids, particularly alpha linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid. These are the nutrients that give walnuts it’s stress fighting properties. Besides walnuts, these natural remedies too can help keep stress at bay.



Gastritis means "inflammation of the stomach." In most cases the lining of the stomach, suffer erosion and perforations, sometimes even bleeding. The most common causes of gastritis are alcohol and most pain killers.From aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, to Aleve, and many others cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and this leads to gastritis and ulcers. Page you will find this in Gastro-intestinal problems Treat home remedies to gastritis.
People are also prone to suffering from stress gastritis, Surgery, burns, and other serious medical problems Trauma Increase the chances of developing gastritis.
The Way the stomach gastritis attacks Walls is by disrupting the mucosa, name given to the lining of the stomach. However, other types of gastritis produce inflammation underneath the stomach lining due to bacteria or anemia. Ulcers DEVELOP into these cases are prone to.
Gastritis in Most cases IS Painless, Common Symptoms are: loss of Appetite, Vomiting, nausea, bloating, and Indigestion, some people may Abdominal pain when eating Experience.

HOME WE Recommend Gastritis remedies:

Home remedies Gastritis # 1: ELIMINATE Dairy products until the Digestive System IS Healed from your Diet.

Home remedies Gastritis # 2: Drink eight large glasses of A Water day.

Home remedies Gastritis # 3: Take 400 IU of vitamin E to A Reduce inflammation in day the stomach.

Home remedies Gastritis # 4: If your gastritis caused by IS anemia, take Supplemental Chlorophyll Capsules Two Times A three day, and username anemia under the RECOMMENDATIONS.

Home remedies Gastritis # 5: Licorice (DGL) helps the gastrointestinal tract chew HEAL 300 to 600 mg. 30 minutes before meals. This herb is also use to treat ulcers. Licorice IS as Effective as Tagamet.

Home remedies Gastritis # 6: Take Artichoke if you feel Abdominal pain, bloating or to relive Vomiting, and nausea.

Home remedies Gastritis # 7: One of the best herbs for Treating gastritis IS Ginger relives it almost all symptoms including indigestion and gas, quickly healing stomach and intestinal tissue, reduces inflammation, and ulcerated linings. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It Reduces nausea, Stimulates digestion of FATs and it's A Natural Antibiotic.

Home remedies Gastritis # 8: Goldenseal destroys bacteria that Causes gastritis, stomach inflammation and Ulcers.

Home remedies Gastritis # 9: Marshmallow relives nausea, Indigestion, gastritis and Ulcers.

Home remedies Gastritis # 10: Peppermint contains volatile Oils like Menthol, relives Indigestion, gastritis and stomach Ulcers.

Home remedies Gastritis # 11: Papaya and Pineapple Seeds Aid digestion. It should be eating slightly ripe.Papaya is rich in digestive enzymes.

How to Eat for Better Sex


Red is sexy. Red roses, sports cars, slinky red dresses. Strawberries. Researchers at the University of Rochester conducted experiments on undergraduate students to see if there was any real connection between the color and sex. In one, male and female students viewed images of women on red or white backgrounds. The men found a woman's image on red more attractive than on white, while the female students did not. In another test, men were asked to rate attractiveness of pictures of women on red, white, gray, green, or blue backgrounds. As expected, the men scored the women on red as more sexually attractive. They also said they would spend more money on the women in red than on those in the other colors.

Strawberries can be considered sexy for another reason besides their sensual color: they are high in the B vitamin folate that helps prevent birth defects, and vitamin C, a potential libido booster. Strawberries dipped in melted dark chocolate anyone? Or how about the classic strawberries and whipped cream? Blueberries (and blackberries) are just as sexy. Ideal for a great morning-after breakfast in bed, so you have energy for round 2, both berries contain compounds that are thought to relax blood vessels and improve circulation for a natural Viagra-like effect. Plus, they are tremendous workhorses for pushing excess cholesterol through your digestive system before it can be broken down, absorbed, and deposited along the walls of your arteries.


Devouring something gooey and decadent is incredibly sensual. Dark chocolate, in particular, contains a compound called phenylethylamine that releases the same endorphins triggered by sex, and increases the feelings of attraction between two people, according to research published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. In fact, brain scans in a British study showed that eating chocolate causes a more intense and longer brainbuzz than kissing does. In this study researchers monitored the brains and heart rates of couples while they kissed passionately or ate chocolate. The brains of both men and women showed greater stimulation while the chocolate melted on their tongues than when their tongues were tied in a passionate kiss.

What's the "healthiest" chocolate? The disease-fighting flavonols that make dark chocolate good for the body also cause the bitterness. To balance flavor and health benefits, try dark chocolate with 70 percent cacao, recommends Jeffrey Blumberg, PhD, who directs the Antioxidants Research Laboratory at Tufts University A 2-inch square chunk, at about 100 calories, will deliver a healthy treat without messing with your weight-management efforts.


In addition to their reputation as the ultimate aphrodisiac (thanks to their resemblance to female genitalia), raw oysters actually do have a connection to sexual function. Oysters hold more zinc than most any other food, and it is believed that this mineral may enhance libido by helping with testosterone production--higher levels of the hormone are linked to an increase in desire. Zinc is also crucial to healthy sperm production and blood circulation. While Casanova reportedly ate 50 raw oysters a day, about six will provide double the recommended daily allowance of 15 mg of zinc. To spice things up a bit, try a few dashes of hot sauce on your raw oysters. Other good sources of zinc are shrimp, red meat, pumpkin seeds, poultry and pork, eggs, and dairy products.


Eating oatmeal is one of the few natural ways to boost testosterone in the bloodstream. The male hormone plays a significant role in sex drive and orgasm strength in both men and women. Oats (as well as seeds, ginseng, nuts, dairy, and green vegetables) contain L-arginine, an amino acid that enhances the effect nitric oxide has on reducing blood vessel stiffness. L-arginine has been used to treat erectile dysfunction. Like Viagra, it helps relax muscles around blood vessels in the penis. When they dilate, blood flow increases so a man can maintain an erection. Oatmeal and other whole grains like whole-grain bread, brown rice, and barley also qualify as good-for-the-heart, better-for-the-gut foods. They are slow-burning, complex carbohydrates that won't drive your blood sugar through the roof. They keep you feeling fuller longer and provide excellent energy. Try a bowl of steel-cut oatmeal with fresh berries and bananas with a drizzle of honey before your next marathon sex session. 


If, as doctors like to say, what's good for your heart is good for your love life, oily coldwater fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna should figure heavily into your weekly meal rotation. The omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA found in fish help to raise dopamine levels in the brain that trigger arousal, according to sexologist Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD. Other health benefits: anti-inflammatory properties that fight blood clots and heart arrhythmias, better brain function, and protection against dementia. Studies show that omega-3s can also reduce symptoms of depression. Research from the University of Pittsburgh showed that people with high omega-3 blood levels were happier and more agreeable. Tell us that can't help you get more sex! Fish is one of the many healthy foods that contain the amino acid L-arginine, which stimulates the release of growth hormone among other substances and is converted into nitric oxide in the body. It's worth repeating: nitric oxide is critical for erections and it can help women's sexual function as well by causing blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow.


Protein is so important to weight maintenance that you should eat it with every meal and snack. Proteins boost metabolism a little more during digestion than any other type of food. Plus protein increases metabolism by helping to build muscle and stall the muscle loss that naturally happens as we age. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat is, so the more lean muscle on your body the better at burning calories it will be. Plus, well-toned abs and thighs are nice to look at when unadorned by clothing. So, how do you eat more protein without going overboard on eggs and meat? Beans—they're good for the heart and your glutes. Kidneys, garbanzos, black beans, and navy beans are full of muscle-building protein.

While they may not be the best choice for a side dish if you plan on sex for dessert, building your meal plan around a foundation of beans and legumes will ultimately pay off for you sexually. Many studies show that bean eaters are leaner and healthier than people who don't eat beans. According to one study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, people who eat 3/4 cup beans or legumes a day have lower blood pressure and smaller waists than people who get their protein from meat. Beans are also full of cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber. A quarter cup of red kidney beans delivers 3 grams of fiber, plus more than 6,000 disease-fighting antioxidants. Navy beans are particularly rich in potassium, which regulates blood pressure and heart contractions, something you'll need as your heart starts racing when he does that special move that makes you melt.


Pumpkin and sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, and other nuts all contain the necessary monounsaturated fats with which your body creates cholesterol—and your sex hormones need that cholesterol to work properly. That's something the ancient Romans didn't know when they tossed walnuts at newlyweds for good breeding luck. Long linked to fertility—the shell, of course, resembles a man's cojones; the inside meat is vulvalike in form—nuts make a perfectly sexy snack. Packed with muscle-building protein and filling fiber, they are a heart-healthy, albeit calorie-dense, treat.

Pistachios contain plant cholesterol that can produce a 10-point drop in your triglycerides and a 16-point decline in your LDL (bad) cholesterol, reports the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Brazil nuts are the richest source of selenium—a mineral that has been linked to preventing cancers of the prostate and colon—you can eat. Pecans deliver the most antioxidants of any nut. Adding them to your diet may reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Walnuts, almonds, and other nuts also reduce levels of LDL cholesterol, and a compound called lipoprotein(a) that increases clotting and can lead to a stroke, according to a study published in Annals of Internal Medicine. (Are you getting the point yet why we're nuts for nuts?) Sunflower seeds pack the highest natural vitamin E content of any food. "No antioxidant is more effective at fighting the aging effects of free radicals," says Barry Swanson, PhD, a professor of food science at Washington State University.


Sounds like the makings of a good time to us! Italian researchers recently found that the antioxidants and alcohol in the wine may trigger the production of nitric oxide in the blood, which helps artery walls to relax, increasing blood flow to the genitals. Just limit yourselves to a glass or two. More alcohol than that can put a damper on sexual performance and lead to bed spins of a not-very-sexy nature. Worth noting: even teetotalers can benefit from the red grape. Dark grape juice contains antioxidant polyphenols that protect the cardiovascular system and help keep skin flexible and elastic.

That brings us to the meat of this entry. Red meat. Lean cuts are great sources of zinc, a mineral that curbs production of a hormone called prolactin, which at high levels can cause sexual dysfunction, according to Berman. Zinc is also a key muscle-building nutrient, and the high concentrations of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) in beef, studies show, may spur weight loss. Choose filet mignon or other deep red cuts with round or loin in the name, because they are the leanest.


Over easy, hard-boiled, or scrambled, eggs aren't the most sensual food on the menu, but it's hard to beat them for a fit and healthy body inside and out. Eggs are rich in vitamins B6 and B5, which help balance hormone levels and ease stress, and are important for a healthy libido. Calorie for calorie, eggs deliver more biologically usable protein (if you eat the yolks) than any other food, including beef. Eggs are an excellent part of a weight-loss strategy thanks to their protein and B12, a vitamin that studies have shown is necessary for breaking down fat. One study in the International Journal of Obesity found that when overweight people ate two eggs or a bagel for breakfast 5 days a week for 8 weeks, those who ate the eggs lost 65 percent more weight (and lost it faster) than the bagel eaters.


If you are looking to add some deductions to your 1040 form, eat more grapefruit, oranges, and peaches. Men who consume at least 200 milligrams of vitamin C a day improve their sperm counts and motility, according to research at the University of Texas Medical Branch. In the study, 75 men ages 20 to 35 (all heavy smokers with poor sperm quality) were divided into three groups: two that took 200 and 1,000 mg of vitamin C, respectively, and a group that took a dummy pill. The daily vitamin C takers significantly improved the quality of their sperm, with the 1,000 mg group showing the greatest boost in sperm counts. In a later study, 30 infertile men were able to impregnate their partners after just 60 days of vitamin C supplementation. In some men, fertility was restored in just 4 days.

When in the produce aisle, also pick up some watermelon too. They are filled with high concentrations of the good-for-your-heart, good-for-sex phytonutrients lycopene, beta carotene, and, the big one, citrulline. Citrulline is particularly exciting for its ability to relax blood vessels, according to studies at Texas A&M University. When you eat watermelon, the citrulline is converted to the helpful amino acid arginine. "Arginine boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, the same basic effect that Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even prevent it," explains Bhimu Patil, PhD, director the Texas A&M's Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center.


The antioxidant catechin found in tea promotes blood flow all over the body for sex power and brainpower; it enhances memory, mood, and focus. One particularly potent catechin, a compound called ECGC prevalent in green tea, is thought to increase fat burn. A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that people who consumed the equivalent of three to five cups of green tea a day for 12 weeks experienced nearly a 5 percent reduction in bodyweight. Drink freshly brewed green or black tea every day-hot or iced. Bottled teas don't offer the same benefits. And keep the sugar out of it. Unsweetened tea is an excellent alternative to high-calorie, sugar-laden soft drinks and juices. One 12-ounce can of soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar in it. America is drinking itself into obesity! The high-fructose corn syrup in many soft drinks raises insulin levels, which can over time develop into diabetes. Studies also show that getting too much sugar lowers the body's ability to produce endorphins. Low endorphins can lead to depression, and know that depression sucks the life out of our sex drive.


Spinach is a potent source of magnesium, which helps dilate blood vessels, according to Japanese researchers. Better blood flow to the genitals, as you've learned, creates greater arousal for men and women. Spinach and other green vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, Swiss chard, and bok choy are also good sources of our favorite sex nutrient—folate. Extra insurance for good reproductive health, folate may lower blood levels of a harmful substance called homocysteine. This abrasive amino acid irritates the lining of arteries and encourages plaque to adhere to it. A high level of homocysteine is a significant risk factor for peripheral arterial disease (PAD). But it appears that dietary folate is protective. In a study of 46,000 men. Harvard University researchers found that those who consumed the most folate daily were 30 percent less likely to develop PAD (Peripheral Arterial Disease) than men who ate the fewest folate-rich foods.

Using pure honey honey in identifying diseases



•  A few drops of honey in water. If it stays in the water drops is real honey and honey drops water then falls into the honey is adulterated. Cotton wool soaked in honey, turn the light kept burning by making light of the honey is pure.

•  Add honey grabbed a live fly. Then press the honey bee. On real honey in the honey bee and the fly will come out on its own. A fly on the wings area not stick honey.

•  Pour honey on fabric and then on clothes does not seem real honey Punce.

•  honey putting down on paper does not mark.

•  The dog does not pure honey.

•  fragrance is pure honey. It accumulates in winter and in summer melt.

Honey intake method:

Honey Juice ,  lemon etc. Any object can eat together. In winter, with hot drinks and with a cool drink in the summer rainy season should be consumed in natural form.


Honey Agni (fire) but never hot nor too hot things should not be put in the honey honey properties are eliminated. It only got luke warm milk or water intake should be. Oil ghee ,  with smooth material Smmatra (equal) becomes poison in the honey shaking.

If there is any loss of honey lemon drink. In such a situation to use lime to remove diseases benefits.

The use of honey in diseases:
-------------------------- -

Pee in bed:

Some children in bed at night at bedtime urine (pee) turn. It is a disease. Honey before bed at night, the hypnotic provide children living in the urine (pee) to sail the disease goes away.

Abdominal pain:

•  A spoonful of pure honey mixed with cold water to drink prop abdominal pain.
•  slightly the honey mixed with a pinch Saunth benefit from licking. Grind two basil leaves. Then the sauce with half teaspoon of honey drink.
•  night at bedtime drink a glass of warm water mixed with a teaspoon of honey. It is used to clean the stomach in the morning.


•  A glass of water and half a teaspoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey should take. This disease of indigestion is destroyed.
•  Two black pepper powder mixed with honey to lick.
•  parsley and a little make up Saunth both grinding powder. Chaten the powder with honey.
•  slightly warm water with honey should take.


•  honey, fennel ,  coriander and cumin powder and mix by drawing in and day Chaten times. This has the benefit of diarrhea.
•  Pomegranate seeds powder with honey to lick stop diarrhea.

Stomach worms:

A pinch of parsley powder with a teaspoon of honey should take. Powder three times a day to take it kills intestinal worms.

Loss of appetite:

•  Saunth ,  Pepper ,  People ,  Sendhanmk these things combined make up powder. In the powder with half a teaspoon of honey with a pinch morning ,  afternoon and evening use it.
•  A two grinding pepper and two cloves with honey to lick.

Acid  bile:

Coriander and cumin and honey make up the powder have slowly lick. This would destroy pyrosis.


Fennel ,  coriander and parsley with a grind these three in equal measure. Then half a teaspoon of this powder with honey powder morning ,  noon and evening, need to take it. This would relieve constipation.


Night at bedtime or a teaspoon of triphala powder with a glass of milk should caster oil. This is to relieve constipation.


•  Triphala powder drink with honey. The jaundice disease is destroyed.
•  Giloy juice  12  grams of honey, take twice a day.
•  ½ teaspoon of honey with the juice of neem leaves should be consumed early in the evening.

Head Pain:

•  coated with pure honey should head. Head pain will be over in no time.
•  ½ teaspoon honey and one teaspoon mixed with desi ghee should head. After drying of ghee and honey to coat again.
•  If you have a headache because of bile Apply honey on the two Knption. With a little honey to lick.
•  cold ,  heat or pain in the head caused by a malfunction of digestion then lemon juice mixed with honey should paste on the forehead.
•  honey and lime together on pieces of paper which pain in the forehead to keep the part of the head is the pain goes away.
•  Take with food honey head pain goes away.

Night blindness  :

•  honey Pathfinder or with the help of finger in the eye, like mascara in the morning and at bedtime should.
•  Mascara night blindness disease than staying put honey in equal ends.
•  honey in the eye by applying mascara like night blindness disease is away. Eyes light increased.

Eye irritation:

•  Nibunli with honey (neem) fruit pulp should be as large eyes kohl.
•  pure honey Pathfinder or with the help of finger in the eye Apply mascara like.

Eye Disease:

•  A gram Guruc juice and half teaspoon honey mix. Then the eyes of the law apply to every Pathfinder. Eye itching ,  pain ,  glaucoma and other eye-wash useful for all diseases (soot) is.
•  It took four grams Giloy juice Make two grams of honey lotion. Apply it in the eye. Before the eyes of all diseases will benefit.
•  Chhapa eyes every morning with fresh water (splatter of water) should wash dead. Then two drops of neem juice and four drops of honey should be applied to the eyes.
•  Bitter oil made ​​from soot mixed with pure honey should be applied in the eye.

Cold Sores:

•  Suhage on the pan should be located at the Fulakr ulcers with honey. The oral ulcers are cured.
•  Make small cardamom grinding fines. Then apply on honey mixed ulcers.
•  Take alum dissolved in water to and mixed with a teaspoon of honey rinse. Rinse it before eating morning noon and evening should.
•  If there is more heat in the stomach should take triphala powder with honey. Only by taking amla powder with honey stomach heat calm and mouth sores seem to be OK.

Voice go down:

•  fluffy grinding alum mixed with honey drink. The rinse water can be mixed.
•  Mulhti should lick the powder with honey.
•  galingale placing in the mouth by sucking sound opens.
• 3  to  9  grams of powder with honey in the morning and evening bahera intake Swrbng (hoarseness), and other diseases of the throat become too fine.
• 1  cup warm water  1  teaspoon honey voice to gargle opens.

With spit sputum:

•  Wash with lukewarm water and honey massage on the chest. It stops with spit mucus secretion.
•  Oregano oil chest rub night before bedtime.
•  powder, turmeric ,  thyme and honey mixed with a pinch Saunth including drink.

Piria  :

•  pure honey massage the gums and teeth should rinse with warm water.
•  Lemon juice ,  neem oil and honey massage the gums sure to rinse.
•  garlic ,  bitter gourd ,  ginger juice mixed with honey out on the day should gums. Three-four days in succession by massaging gums Piria and other diseases are destroyed.

Cough disease:

•  Make red cardamom powder and fry it over ,  the honey drink.
•  raisins ,  dates ,  pepper ,  long pepper-all in the same measure bahera and take the code and it took two pinch powder mixed with honey drink.  3  grams Sitopladi powder mixed with honey three times a day by eating cough away Chatkr becomes.
• 5  grams of honey garlic juice  2-3  drops of mixed baby Ctane cough turns away.
•  A glass of lemon water boil then wring it out. The  28  ml of glycerin and  84  ml honey shake. One teaspoon four times by drinking cough stops.
•  honey cough sounds comforting.  12  grams of honey three times a day to lick corrects cuff slips and cough.
•  take a little butter and fry on the pan. The  first  day with honey butter pinch  three  times in Castle cough advantage.

Whooping cough:

The first patient should remove constipation. The caster oil may be fed. After this therapy should start early. A drop of honey for medical clove oil and ten drops of ginger juice mixed morning ,  afternoon and evening should be.


•  ax in honey juice  4  drops mixed day  3-4  times should be. The asthma disease is destroyed.
•  somlataa ,  codes ,  bahera ,  Muleti ,  malabar nut tree leaves ,  Arjuna bark and grind with a similar amount Kakdhasingi everyone. Take a teaspoon of this powder with honey. Thirst warm water  and drink it .

Pain in ribs:

Sambar horn Giskr in water mixed with honey to coat ribs.


A teaspoon of honey in a cup of milk to drink in the morning, increasing strength.

Common cold:

•  honey and ginger juice mixed with one teaspoon twice a day, morning and evening drinking cold is over and increases appetite.
• 2  tablespoons honey , 200  ml tepid milk and half teaspoon sweet soda drink morning and evening together colds ,  the flu is cured. When we sweat, the sweat that comes from drinking it, the patient should take no longer air.
• 20  grams of honey ,  half a gram and a half grams turmeric Sendhanmk  80 ml ​​boiled water and keep it in.A little later, when the water was slightly warmer than the water at bedtime drink cold goes away.

Lobster bisque:

Scorpion stings by applying honey to replace slain pain is reduced.

Burning  :

•  Regular morning  20  g of honey mixed with cold water intake irritation itching and skin diseases like eruptions of Jdmul ends.
•  The body is burnt away jealous of putting honey on organs. Until then been putting honey on the wound until the wound does not recover, go. After wound healing become white scars. Living with a bandage on them honey traces erased.

Premature Ejaculation:

One hour before intercourse with women in male navel cotton wool dipped in honey to Foha early ejaculation is not that men do not impair male penis.

Mucus and coughing:

• 5  grams four times a day licking honey off cough out the mucus occurs.
•  one teaspoon of honey and the juice of malabar nut tree leaves and half a teaspoon of ginger juice mixed drink cough is destroyed.


•  molasses mixed with the honey consumption stops vomiting.
•  vomiting, vomiting stops to lick the honey.
•  clove powder mixed in honey to lick to get rid of vomiting in pregnancy.


Goat's milk is the eighth part honey to clean drinking blood. It is necessary to sacrifice while salt and pepper.

Tuberculosis or TB :

•  consumption of fresh honey with butter is beneficial for tuberculosis.
•  bitter gourd powder, add honey must lick.


Two tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice mixed with two to three times a day, morning and evening when consumed in high Bldpreshr benefit.

Ear pain:

•  pus in the ear of the ear and earache putting honey is destroyed.
•  ear centipede-like animals have entered the honey and olive oil mixed with a few drops into the ear happens.

Come eye:

• 1  gram grained salt mixed with honey in the morning and evening Lgaaen eyes. Pyrites grinding and honey together in the morning and evening in the eye planted.
•  Moon suppository (light) by grinding with honey eyes by applying eye disease are away.

Malaria fever:

Pure honey  , 20  grams ,  Sandhanmk half gram ,  turmeric grinding half a gram  to 80 grams, the amount of hot water by drinking it in the night is cured of malaria fever and colds.

Lung disease:

Honey is beneficial in diseases of the lungs. In breathing and lung diseases use more honey.

Tooth pain:

•   1  teaspoon honey ,  garlic juice  , 20  drops every morning and evening together Chaten. The Piria ,  gum inflammation ,  pain ,  mouth deodorant etc ends.
•  swelling and bleeding in the gums begin to move the teeth. Honey or gum disease to rinse mustard oil is destroyed.


•  People of honey  1  pinch of powder mixed lick prop.
• 2  tablespoons honey , 200  ml warm milk ,  ½ teaspoon sweet soda mixed in the morning and evening feeding goes right back to the influenza sweat.


Rubbing honey on children's teeth, gums time to leave the comfort of tooth pain is sensed.


Pneumonia disease affects digestion in the patient's body so pure honey massage on the chest and ribs in lukewarm water, add a little honey and feeding the patient would benefit in this disease.
Inflammation and swelling of the tongue:
Tongue in mouth disease leached Shoving honey tongue disease gains.


•  Mingni honey mixed with rat does not stay in the vagina to keep the womb.
•  honey  , 250  grams of elephant dung (droppings) juice  250  ml volume with honey season (menstrual) women after pregnancy is not to be consumed.

Vomit blood:

Million honey in water and drink the blood from vomiting stops.

Cold Sores:

Neelathotha approximately  1  gram of the fourth part roast grinding  10  grams of honey Milalen. Apply this mixture on ulceration of cotton and saliva to exit. Mouth ulcers dirt removed from the mouth as saliva is correct.

Pregnancy diet:

Pregnancy in women's bodies in the blood decrease. Increase blood at pregnancy, need to take more of everything. Women with two teaspoons of honey daily intake is not the lack of blood. The physical strength is increasing and the baby fat and fresh. Pregnant woman from the beginning of pregnancy or in the final three months of feeding the child milk and honey is healthy and grease.

Hiccup's disease:

•  finger in honey Dubokr day  3  times lick hiccup relaxation.
•  honey and lemon juice mixed with black salt intake hiccup relaxation.
•  onion juice with honey lick stops hiccups.

Ear ache:

•  Approximately  3  grams honey , 6  ml of ginger juice , 3  ml sesame oil and approximately  1  gram of the fourth part of Sendhanmk putting together the slightest ear drops Kappa giving up his ears at the hearing ,  ear The pain ,  ear funny-strange to hear voices etc. disease go away.
• 5  ml sunflower flower juice , 5  g of honey , 5  ml sesame oil and  3  grams of salt, including putting in the ear by ear drip earache goes well.


Honey Smudrafen putting the Giskr ear disease is cured deafness.

Impotence  :

By drinking milk mixed with honey and metal (semen) to banish. And the body is strong.

Discharge from the ear:

Neem equal amounts of honey and glue together in Cannes  2-2 drip stops leaking pus out of the ear.

Ear disease:

•  honey  3-4  drops into the ear ear pain is cured completely.
•  ear thoroughly cleaned and fed the Rsut ,  honey and milk and woman together  2-3  drops daily  3  times in the ear of the pus discharge from the ear by inserting stops.

Some take place in Cannes:

Of cotton wool soaked in honey by making a light bike and ears Loosen gradually. Doing so in the ears of all the small insects with lights that will come out will Cipakkr.


•  chronic wound myrobalan grinding in water mixed with honey to coat the wound is cured soon.
•  wound by applying honey to fill soon.

Crow fall:

4  to  6  grams of honey clock powder  1  to  3  grams a day together  2  times taking advantage of the disease occurs.

-Paralysis-Falis facial paralysis ,  Pralisis:

•  Approximately  20  to  25  days, daily approximately  150  grams of pure honey mixed with water from the body of the patient is cured paralysis.
•  Approximately  28  ml of water to boil and add honey and two teaspoons of water on cooling the victim by feeding the amount of calcium in the body leads to seemingly suffering from paralysis, which is helpful in recovering part.

Mucus blood (dysentery):

Honey mixed with a pinch of opium and lick it from Giskr dysentery patient disease goes away.


Create Sendhanmk including honey and light. Bhagandar canker disease by keeping the lights get comfortable.


Including honey and lime in place of sprain from gentle massage is relaxing.

Delivery delays:

A woman in a tub of warm water to warm the clothes soaked in honey Batayen and placed in the vagina.The effect of cold goes away and gets delivery.


•  honey for some time by filling in the mouth rinse. It is fast slake.
•  irritation of the throat by drinking water mixed with honey or sugar and thirst is erased.
• 20  grams of honey in the mouth  10  minutes, then rinse and remove the hold. This is too cool faster thirst.


• 20  grams of honey  , 40  ml water and keep pouring boiled ,  then feed the water into the ascites disease benefit.
•  People of honey and buttermilk powder mixed drink will benefit from.


Pigeon droppings mixed with honey to eat menarche (menstruation) and infertility goes away.


•  saffron  6  grams ,  honey  25  grams patient benefit in the morning and evening feeding urticaria.
•  A teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of triphala is also benefits from eating whole morning and evening.

Obesity (obesity) to remove:

120  grams from  240  grams of honey  , 100  to  200  ml warm water mixed day  3  times the dose as drink.

Adenoma (tumor):

Lime and honey well mixed glands get comfortable in putting on the disease.

Obesity  Increasing:

Daily consumption of honey mixed with milk that obesity increases.


•  With honey approximately  1-2  grams daily Poppy grinding it dissolved in honey before bed to give the patient a good sleep. The patient goes to sleep comfortably.
•  With honey approximately  3-9  grams of powder bahera patient would benefit from taking the morning and evening.

Come not sleep (insomnia):

•  One teaspoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons of honey before bed the night together drinking goes to sleep. When he wakes up from sleep two teaspoons again goes to sleep and to take only two teaspoons of honey in a glass of water pour drink goes to sleep.
•  honey or sugar syrup by dissolving it in a grinding Postadana intake sleep well.

Stomach bug:

•  Two tablespoons honey  250  ml of water twice a day, morning and evening to drink it in the benefit.
•  when consumed in small amounts even intestinal worms are eliminated.

Migraines (migraine):

•  The disease with growing pains growing and adapting with the sun headache is low ,  then the other side of his aching head and nostrils of the nose by putting a drop of honey in the pain of the head rest get.
•  daily meals, two teaspoons of honey, half a sustained headache and vomiting etc are closed due to him.

Nose disease:

Baked fruit with honey or molasses sycamore stops eating epistaxis.

Convulsions Kanpkanpana:

•  With honey approximately  1  gram of the fourth portion, about  1  gram of Suhage ball-bearing (slag) from the Ctane convulsions and epilepsy is very relaxing.
•  With honey approximately  1  gram of the fourth part of nard powder morning and evening trips to the patient to recover from the convulsions.

Stomach ache:

•  Use of honey after eating the stomach pains are ended.
•  Drinking water mixed with honey and relieves stomach pain.

Slacken the tight vagina:

10  g honey  , 5  grams mixed with desi ghee putting on tight vagina vagina is decreasing.


Approximately three grams with honey in the morning intake of nigella seeds Amnesia turns away.

Developing IQ loss:

With honey approximately  1  gram of the fourth part of the silver consumed in the morning and evening to enhance the development of the intellect.

Chest pain:

People were drinking with honey and powdered buttermilk powder benefits of chest pain.

Cidcidapan and dispel the gloom of mind:

Pole with honey tumult around  1  or  2  tablets in the morning and in the evening from irritable temperament and inner sadness turns away.

Yaddast enlarge:

•  honey approximately  3  grams of the powder mixed with nigella seeds to lick Yaddast becomes faster.
•  Approximately  30  grams of honey  20  grams of melted butter mixed Yaddast mind taking daily after meals is fast.


• 6  grams  to 10  grams of honey in warm water  for 45  to  60  days of continuous drinking every type of skin disease ,  rash (marks) ,  eczema-recover is itching. Even the leprosy disease also gets the rest.
•  Pure Amlasar sulfur mixed with honey is completely cured by eating itching. According to the patient's symptoms brimstone approximately  gram of the fourth part is to give up.

Skin Diseases:

•  Rash on the real disease of the skin by applying honey soon recover.
•  Add a little honey in the black soil in the body where there is ulceration of-Funsia benefit from applying.