Monday 29 February 2016

Best health benefits of eating coriander / Cilantro / parsley leaves

The Spanish word Cilantro is known as coriander in UK and is also commonly referred as Chinese parley.  It is an herb that is used in making dishes all over the world. This herb contains several compounds that are helpful in the preventing of many diseases and in promoting the health of the body. Coriander is a rich source of vitamins A, C, K with traces of the B vitamins. It contains a high amount of calcium and potassium which helps in curing several diseases.  It also contains iron, sodium and manganese.

Health benefits of coriander

Coriander for eyes

The anti-inflammatory property present in the coriander cares the eyes in a very smooth way. It helps to reduce the redness, inflammation present in the eyes and decreases the itchiness.

Skin care

The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of coriander benefits the skin in various ways. Mix coriander puree with turmeric paste and apply over the face. This pack reduces acne and gives protection from dryness, eczema and other fungal, bacterial infections.

Lip care

If you have dark and dry lips, then this tip is utterly for you. Grind the coriander and extract the juice from it, add few drops of lemon and apply to lips, don’t rinse off at the same time but leave for whole night. A regular practice makes your lips pink.

Reduces ulcers

To sort out the sores and mouth ulcers, boil the coriander in water and gargle it for two times a day for atleast ten days to identify change.

Diabetics care

Coriander itself is having the anti-diabetic properties and they reduce the blood sugar levels and lowers the bad cholesterol levels, on the other hand increases the good cholesterol. So, drink coriander water daily.


The antioxidants present in the coriander prevents the parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer problems that come through ageing. They also prevents the risk of heart diseases.

Treats water borne and food borne diseases

Food borne diseases and water borne diseases are most common, regular intake of coriander that is enriched with anti-bacterial properties can treat some of those diseases like typhoid, cholera, dysentery and food poisoning.

Liver health

Coriander is also contains of vitamin K, potassium and calcium. and promotes the proper liver functioning, prevents seizure and cancer.

Decreases fat

Eating fresh coriander reduces the body fats and helps to reduce weight.

Antibiotic properties

Coriander contains a powerful antibiotic compound, which is effective killing the food-borne bacteria, salmonella.


The anti-oxidant properties of coriander helps to lower the risk of oxidative stress in the cells that can cause cancer.

Anti-microbial properties

The volatile oils in cilantro have antimicrobial properties which are helpful in the treatment of fungal, bacterial or yeast infections.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Cilantro or coriander leaves are an excellent source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Which are helpful as anti –inflammatory molecules.

Bone health

Coriander is an excellent source of calcium and Vitamin K which arethe vitalnutrients forthe formation and maintenance of strong bones.

Lowers cholesterol

Regular consumption of coriander juice can help to reduce the amount of damaged fats in the cell membranes. This powerful herb has the ability to lower bad cholesterol level and increase the good cholesterol level.


The high beta-carotene and anti-oxidants in cilantro helps to alleviate eye problems and improve eyesight.  It also helps delaythe threat of aging relatedto vision disorders like macular degeneration, and development of cataract.

Heavy metal detox

Cilantro is one of the very few herbs that is used as a heavy metal detox agent, to detoxify mercury, aluminium and lead

Kidney stones

Coriander has a diuretic and detoxifying effect on the body that helps to lower the risk of kidney stones.


Coriander leaveshelp in proper digestion by supporting theliver tofunction properly and regulating the movement of bowels. It is also helpful in the treatment of diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and other stomach disorders.  The fresh coriander leaves serve as best appetizers.

Skin healing

Coriander is the skin disinfectantqualities which help in fixing the skin impurities. A dull and irritated skin can be improved by using coriander leaves.  The lost glow of the skin can be easily regained by applying ground coriander leaves on the face and neck.The leaves can also be used to treat f skin disorders like eczema, fungal infections and dryness.

Mouth ulcers

Coriander has the antiseptic propertywhich prevents the ulcer in the mouth from becoming worse. It helps in giving fast relief to ulcers in the mouth.


Coriander has been found to work wonders for people suffering from obesity and diabetes… it is low in calories and so helps in the reduction of fats and help in weight loss. Raw chewing of coriander leaves help in reducing the sugar level in the body and is very effective for people suffering from bronchitis and asthma.

6 Signs That You Could Be Having A Heart Attack – A Month Before It Actually Happens

According to the Center For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are 5 conditions that will add to your risk of heart attack. Those are diabetes, overweight and obesity, poor diet, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol use
Approximately half of all heart attacks happen outside of a hospital, and early detection is key in survival. According to a study done by the CDC in 2005, 92% of respondents recognized chest discomfort as a symptom of a heart attack. Only 27% were aware of all major symptoms and knew to call 9-1-1 when someone was having a heart attack.

Symptoms Of A Heart Attack

Here are the symptoms you need to be aware of when it comes to recognizing heart attacks. These could let you know if you are at risk, even a month before it happens.

Chest Discomfort

This is the most common of symptoms and it comes in various different forms. Some people feel a pressure in their chest, while others feel burning or pinching. These feelings can occur during physical activity or while you’re at rest. The best thing to do is to contact a doctor right away if you feel any strange sensations in your chest.
t is important to note that you could be having a heart attack without feeling discomfort in your chest, as is common in women.

Feeling Tired

A sudden feeling of fatigue for no reason could be a sign that a heart attack is incoming. The heart has to work harder as arteries begin to close, and can make simple tasks feel exhausting. This can result sleeping longer hours at night or feeling like you need to take multiple naps during the day.

Long Lasting Cold Symptoms

Having cold symptoms that won’t seem to go away could be a sign of heart failure. As the heart struggles with supplying the body with blood, blood can leak back into the lungs. Pay attention to white or pink mucus with your cough which could be a byproduct of blood leakage.


As the heart struggles to pump the body with blood, veins can begin to swell causing a bloating effect. The main points of swelling are the feet, ankles, and legs because they are the farthest from the heart. It is also possible to observe peripheral cyanosis, which is a blue tinge seen in the lips or extremities.


As blood circulation is restricted with a weakened heart, the brain may not be receiving the amount of oxygen it needs. You may feel constantly dizzy or light headed, and this is a major point of concern and you should seek medical attention immediately.

Shortness Of Breath

Another major sign of an impending heart attack is shortness of breath. The heart and lungs work in unison, so as the heart begins to work poorly, the lungs don’t get the amount of oxygen that they need. This causes difficulty breathing and needs to be treated immediately.
These symptoms may occur up to a month in advance so it is important to be aware of them at all times. If you feel any or a combination of these symptoms please seek medical attention quickly. Take charge of your health and protect yourself as best as you can.

6 reasons why you should consider sleeping naked

Many people tend to shy away from the concept of sleeping naked because it is seen as a perverse activity. However, instead of laughing away the idea of going to bed naked, you will be surprised to know that sleeping in the nude actually has amazing health benefits that could improve the quality of your life. Here’s why you should consider ditching your nightie and pajamas and instead get into the habit of sleeping naked (provided you have your own room!):

1. Builds intimacy with your partner

Sleeping naked with your partner could help in strengthening your marriage or relationship. This is because skin-to-skin contact helps in the release of oxytocin. This is a strong hormone or neurotransmitter in the brain that plays a vital role in bonding and the levels usually tend to increase when you’re hugged or kissed by a loved one. Other than this, sleeping in the nude will also help in making you more familiar with your partner’s body and learning about their pleasure points. In fact, a survey conducted in England revealed that 57% people who slept naked with their partners felt happier than usual. Here’s how you can get your partner in the mood by sleeping naked.
2. Helps you achieve a positive body image
Most of us struggle with achieving a positive body image and accepting our body the way it is. Being bombarded by pictures of models and actors with ‘perfect bodies’ only makes it more difficult. However, sleeping in the nude will gradually help you in accepting all your physical flaws and embracing your body type. This is because when you momentarily look in the mirror every morning, you only tend to notice the parts of your body you have grown to strongly dislike. When you’re naked for several hours on end, you learn to grow comfortable with how your body looks and even start noticing your physical assets for a change.
3. Helps keep you cooler                        
During summer, most of us struggle with falling asleep due to high temperatures and humidity levels. By going to bed in your night gown or pajamas, you tend to feel warmer than it actually is. Sleeping naked will help in maintaining the ideal body temperature to fall asleep. This will help you in having a deep and sound sleep without having to worry about drastically reducing the temperature of your air conditioner.
4. It can help in keeping skin conditions at bay
After a long day of staying outdoors in your work clothes, your skin barely gets the opportunity to replenish itself from the constant heat and humidity. It is a known fact that while you sleep, your skin finally gets to heal and replenish itself, which is why the term ‘beauty sleep’ is used so often. By sleeping naked, there’s no fabric pressing against your skin that can hinder this process. Your skin gets to breathe and you are at a lower risk of developing skin conditions like folliculitis(inflammation of the hair follicles) or premature skin geing.
5. Improves sperm quality
A study conducted by American researchers from the University of Standford and the National Health Institute of Child and Human Development in 2015 revealed that wearing tight boxers or underwear during night time can affect one’s sperm quality. Around 500 men were a part of this study and were told to wear underwear of their choice during day and night time. Their sperm quality was then recorded. It was then found that those who wore boxers during the day and slept naked at night had a 25% lower risk of DNA fragmentation in their sperms as compared to those who wore their underwear even after going to bed. This study was presented by the researchers at an annual meeting held by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Baltimore. So if you want to improve your chances of conceiving a child, sleep naked!
6. Helps in promoting vaginal health
Just like your skin, even your vagina needs to breathe during night time for maintaining a healthy pH level and keeping vaginal infections at bay. Vaginal yeast infections are caused by a fungus called C.albicans which thrives in moist and warm places. By sleeping naked, you can keep your lady parts well ventilated and dry and prevent the fungus from breeding and causing any form of irritation

Sunday 28 February 2016

Grapefruit health benefits – Grapefruit beauty benefits

Grapefruits are low in calories but are full of nutrients. They are an excellent source of Vitamins A and C. Grapefruits provide a clear, healthy skin and can help to lower the risk for many diseases.They can even help with weight loss to keep the body overall healthy.

Health benefits of grapefruits

Prevents arthritis

The salicyclic acid contained in the grapefruit is the cutter of the inorganic calcium which is retaining in the joints of the cartilage. If this inorganic calcium is present for long time it leads to the arthritis. To reduce the arthritis mix grapefruit juice with apple cider vinegar for the best results.

Treats common health problems

Eating grapefruit or drinking juice treats common cold, fever, helps to dissolve gallstones, stimulates the liver functioning and increases the immunity power.

Cancer prevention

The pigment which is responsible for the red color in the fruit, lycopene, has great power to work against the cancers and tumors. It shields the cancer developing free radicals).

Lower the cholesterol

The presence of antioxidants made the grapefruit to fight against the bad cholesterol levels.

Do not prefer

Don’t eat or drink the grape fruit when your are under medical treatments like allergies, seizures, depression, impotence, high blood pressure, heart diseases and even HIV because the grapefruit reacts in the negative way.

Weight loss

Grape fruit does not create miracles in weight loss but it is a healthy food which can assist in weight loss over a period of time. Fresh grapefruit eaten before meals is said to be associated with improved insulin resistance.


Grapefruit is found to lower the ischemic stroke in women.

Blood pressure and heart health

The powerful nutrient combination of fibre, lycopene, Vitamin C and choline present in grapefruit helps to maintain a healthy heart. Red grapefruit is found to positively influence the lipid levels of blood and is beneficial for people wanting to lower their high lipid levels.  The high potassium content in grapefruit reduces the risk of stroke and protects loss of muscle mass and reduces the formation of kidney stones. Potassium is also important for lowering the blood sugar levels.


The powerful antioxidants in grapefruit help to fight against cancer causing radicals. It lessens the risk of prostate and oesophagus cancer.

Digestion and regularity

The water and fibre content of grapefruit prevents constipation and promotes the proper functioning of the digestive system.


Grapefruit is made of 91% water and so is a great fruit to prevent dehydration.

Asthma prevention

the vitamin C content in grapefruit lowers the risk of developing asthma.

Beauty benefits of grapefruit

Consuming or adding the grapefruit in the face mask add the extra shine to you as it is having various minerals, vitamin A, Vitamin C and antioxidants too.


Owning the mineral of potassium, grapefruit fights the harmful sun rays and handles the wrinkles and dark spots on the face.Where the vitamin C and antioxidants protect from the environment dusts.

Skin smoother

Yes! grapefruit is having the capacity to smooth your skin, the amino acids of grapefruit makes the skin more tight and soft. The antioxidant retinol of the fruit also has the same character of smoothing the skin.

Weight loss

The three ingredients less sodium, high water content and high enzymes present in the grape fruit moulded it as a super food for increasing body metabolism rate, Try eating grape fruit and notice how it performs magic in the weight loss.

Prevents premature aging

Grapefruit contains retinol antioxidants which help to repair the damaged skin and delay the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. A mask of grapefruit applied once a week provides less discoloration, smooth texture and glow on the skin. Prepare the mask by making a paste using honey, oatmeal and grapefruit juice. Apply it on the face and leave it to dry. Then wipe it off with a damp cloth.

Cleanses the skin cleansing

There are number of cosmetic products in which grapefruit is used. Grapefruit helps in keeping the skin soft and in cleansing the pores with the help of Vitamin C and other natural acids in it. The potassium on grapefruit helps in cellular cleaning and tightening and toning the skin.

Combats oily skin

The natural astringent property in grapefruit clears the toxins from the surface of the skin and reduces the production of oils. A face wash or toner can be prepared by mixing grapefruit juice with a small amount of mint juice and leaving it for few hours.   Store it in a bottle and apply it on the face morning and evening.

Remove deposits on hair

Grapefruit on hair help to banish waxes and parabens that are locked in the strands of hair. Rinse wet hair with a cup of grapefruit juice.

Protects lips

Grapefruit essential oils prevent the lips from external elements by forming a barrier. It also nourishes and keeps the lips smooth.

Health benefits of drinking Sugarcane juice


Sugarcane also known as the Ganna is an important member of the grass family. It contains sucrose and is filled with various other nutrients that aids in good health.  Mentioned below are few health benefits of sugarcane juice.
Sugarcane juice or ganne ka ras as it is known in Hindi is a popular drink in India especially in summers. India is one of the leading producers of sugar cane in the world. It is one of the healthiest drinks giving lot of natural energy to the body. Sugarcane juice is rich in zinc, chromium, cobalt, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, potassium and copper. It contains Vitamins A, C, B1, and B2, B5 and B6 and iron. Besides this it has antioxidants, proteins soluble fiber and phytonutrient.

Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice

  • With so much to offer Sugarcane Juice is definitely something that one need to include in their weekly diet (if not daily diet) to experience its natural healing power.The effortlessly digestible sugar in sugarcane juiceextract assists in speedy recovery from jaundice. The steep fall in glucose grades during jaundice may be replaced by having 3 to 4 glasses of sugarcane juice  every day.Sugarcane juice contains all the nutrients that are required for strong shiny nails. It naturally strengthens the nails and prevents them from becoming brittle and discolored.Sugarcane juice has all the required vitamins and minerals that provide precious health benefits for the person suffering from various diseases.
  • Drinking sugarcane juice instead of artificial and aerated drinks helps to improve the health of a person.
  • The juice of Sugarcane helps in treating the burning sensation while passing urine, prostatitis, kidney stones, STD (sexually transmitted disease), and urinary tract infections
  • Sugarcane juice reduces the bad cholesterol level in the body and has natural sugar. It helps in eliminating toxins from the body by cleansing, improving metabolism and detoxifying the body. This aids in gradual weight loss especially if taken regularly with lime juice or coconut water.
  • It is found to be beneficial for pregnant women because of its contents of iron and folates. These contents enhance the hemoglobin level in pregnant women. It also prevents the unborn baby from variety of birth defects.
  • The antioxidant property of sugar cane juice makes the skin soft, fair, supple and healthy. It also helps in delaying the signs of aging on the skin.
  • Sugarcane contains natural sugar which has low glycemic index that prevents steep rise in blood glucose levels and so can be taken as a substitute of aerated drinks by diabetics. However people with Type-2 diabetes should consume it in moderation after consulting the doctor.
  • Studies show that sugarcane is effective in fighting against cancer especially breast and prostate cancer.
  • Sugarcane juice boosts protein levels in the body which is helpful in maintaining the health of the kidney.
  • The antioxidants in sugar cane juice help in fighting against infections and boosting the immune system of the body. It also protects liver the liver against infections and helps in keeping the bilirubin levels in control.
  • It is helpful in preventing stomach infection and is considered a good digestive aid due to the presence of potassium. It is also useful in treating constipation.
  • Studies show that sugarcane juice helps in protecting tooth decay and bad breathbecause of its high mineral content.
  • Sugarcane juice has been found to be good for people suffering from febrile disorders. Febrile disorders are responsible for causing fevers, which can result in a great amount of protein loss from the body. These can lead to seizures especially in infants and children. Liberal consumption of sugar cane juice provides the necessary protein.
  • Sugarcane is beneficial for healthy skin. It helps to fight acne, reduce blemishes, prevent ageing and keeps the skin hydrated. A mask or scrub of sugarcane juice is beneficial for the skin.
  • Sugarcane juice is good for the hair and helps in the proper growth of the hair and also prevents hair fall.
  • Sugarcane is rich in calcium and phosphorous, which helps in the development of the bones and make your bones strong.
  • Sugarcane is beneficial for micturition, caused by high acidity, along with gonorrhea, cystitisne phritisanden larged prostate.
  • Sugarcane juice is a rich source of flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Flavonoids are known to provide anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antioxidant, antiviral and anti-allergic benefits to the body.
  • Sugarcane Juice is the best remedy for sore throat, freezing and flu.
  • Sugarcane juice is naturally sweet. It doesn’t need any added sugar to make it sweet and hence is very beneficial for ones health. Diabetics can thus enjoy it without being concerned about soaring body-fluid sugar levels (those with type 2 diabetes should still have restricted sugarcane juice).
  • It supplies glucose to the body, which is essential for the muscles to supply the body with natural power. It re-hydrates the human body that is usually fatigued from heat and physical activity. It is known to boost the physical power in athletes and other waged laborers.
  • It’s recommended for those suffering from fever, which results in protein loss from the body. Consumption of sugarcane juice  supplies the body with protein throughout febrile disorders. It also brings down high body temperatures and helps one to recuperate from unwanted illness.
  • It’s a perfect thirst quencher and cooling drink during summers. It keeps the body hydrated.
  • It’s good for the digestive system and also assists with constipation because of its high potassium content.
  • It has a wide variety of compounds in addition to sucrose which bestows it with wound healing properties and strengthens the immune system.
  • Regular intake of sugarcane juice extract  strengthens the stomach, kidneys, heart, eyes, mind and sex organs.
  • It decreases body cholesterol– both LDL and triglycerides.
Conclusion–Sugarcane juice is a very healthy substitute of any aerated drink in India. It can also be used as a natural sweetener in drinks like lassi or smoothie. Among others health benefits sugarcane juice hydrates the body and cures kidney stones, diabetes, jaundice, cold, flu and sore throat. Sugarcane juice also has anti-cancer properties. It helps to clear the urinary flow and improve the functions of the kidney. Sugarcane is the best energizing drink when one has been exposed to heat and is physically exhausted. It hydrated the body instantly and helps in regaining energy.

Vitamins & Minerals That Affect the Heart

Heart-healthy salmon provides a source of vitamin D, potassium and niacin.
Heart-healthy salmon provides a source of vitamin D, potassium and niacin.
One of the most important organs in your body, a healthy heart helps you maintain an active lifestyle. A strong heart efficiently pumps blood to all the tissues of your body, providing each cell with the oxygen and nutrients needed to get you through the day. Several lifestyle factors -- such as your level of physical activity and level of exposure to cigarette smoke -- affect your heart’s health. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients benefits your cardiovascular system, and specific vitamins and minerals particularly affect your heart.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, also called cholecalciferol, affects your heart. Several nerves surround your heart, and these nerves interact with your heart muscle to maintain a steady heartbeat. Vitamin D helps ensure that these nerves have access to the calcium they need to function, helping to maintain healthy communication between the nerves and your heart muscle. Getting enough vitamin D also helps maintain your heart’s heath as you age. The University of Michigan Health Center reports that vitamin D might protect against heart hypertrophy, a condition that weakens your heart. Up to 50 percent of Americans suffer from low vitamin D levels, reports the health center, so get your recommended daily intake of the vitamin -- 600 international units or 15 micrograms, according to the Linus Pauling Institute.


Potassium also has a positive effect on your heart. Like vitamin D, potassium aids in nerve transmission, and the nerves that maintain your heartbeat rely on potassium to function. The mineral also benefits your heart by controlling your blood pressure. Chronic high blood pressure, or hypertension, increases the strain on your heart over time, increasing your risk of heart failure. Getting enough potassium helps keep your blood pressure at a healthy level, so your heart can more easily pump blood to the rest of your body. As an added bonus, getting enough potassium makes you less sensitive to the blood pressure-boosting effect of sodium, so eating a salty meal is less likely to cause a severe blood pressure increase. You need 4,700 milligrams of potassium each day, according to the Linus Pauling Institute.


Like potassium, niacin -- also called vitamin B-3 -- has an effect on your heart due to its ability to lower blood pressure. The vitamin relaxes your blood vessels, widening each vessel to reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow to your tissues. Niacin also affects your heart by controlling the levels of fats -- such as cholesterol and trigylcerides -- in your blood. High blood cholesterol or high triglycerides both increase your risk of heart disease. The fats form deposits on the walls of your arteries, and eventually the deposits can grow so large that they prevent healthy blood flow, negatively affecting your heart. By keeping your cholesterol and triglyceride levels in a healthy range, niacin helps reduce the strain on your heart to keep you healthy. Men should get 16 milligrams of niacin each day, while women need 14 milligrams, according to the Linus Pauling Institute.

Sources of Vitamin D, Potassium and Niacin

One easy way to get more vitamin D and niacin in your diet is to eat vitamin-fortified foods. Fortified cereals often provide a rich source of B vitamins, including niacin, while many dairy products, such as milk and yogurt, come fortified with vitamin D. Incorporate salmon into your diet -- the fatty fish provides a source of vitamin D, niacin and potassium, and also contains other heart-healthy nutrients, like omega-3 fatty acids. Baked potatoes, bananas and prunes also benefit your heart health by boosting your intake of potassium.

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Vinegar

how to do pregnancy test

Women who love to cook can absolutely recognize vinegar. The pungent smell and unique taste is difficult to forget. And you simply can’t cook Chinese food without it. But, did you know that you can use this kitchen ingredient to make a homemade pregnancy test with vinegar? We bet you didn’t.

A lot of women have tried a pregnancy test with vinegar in times of emergency and some of them believe that this pregnancy test works as well as the strip pregnancy tests that are available in drugstores. Imagine you realise the need of doing a pregnancy test on a day when the markets and drugstores are closed and you can’t afford to wait for another day. That’s when a homemade vinegar pregnancy test will come in handy. Plus, this pregnancy test is harmless and easy to do.

You wouldn’t need to make a trip to the chemist or to your gynaecologist to test if you are pregnant. Just open your kitchen shelf, take out the vinegar and you are ready to do the homemade pregnancy test. Here we teach you the distinctive method of how to do a pregnancy test with vinegar at the ease of your home.

Ingredients - In order to test your pregnancy with vinegar, all you need is a cup, your urine sample, and some vinegar.

Method - Take some vinegar in the cup and mix it with the urine. Wait for the mixture to change its colour.
When you mix, it may cause bubbles, but that’s okay and not harmful for your health like when you mix the urine with bleach. It is safe; you don’t have to worry.

Result - If the solution changes colour, it is a sign of positive pregnancy. But if the liquid’s colour remains unchanged, it indicates that you are not pregnant.

Shortcomings - There is a disadvantage to this vinegar pregnancy test; you can’t really know the exact amount of vinegar and urine to be mixed in one solution which leaves you apprehensive about whether you followed the correct steps for the procedure or not. Plus, the colour of the vinegar pregnancy test solution can be too light to be noticed. Another disadvantage of a homemade pregnancy test with vinegar is that you cannot determine how much time you need to wait for the results to show.

We know that’s a lot of minus points for a homemade pregnancy test with vinegar, but the trick seems to be working and giving correct results for some women.  And anyways, at a time when other options aren’t available, there is no harm in trying to test your pregnancy with the help of vinegar because it is readily available and easily done.

Now that you have learnt how to make a homemade pregnancy test with vinegar, you can put it to use the next time you notice signs and symptoms of pregnancy like tender breasts, missed periods, nausea and aches. But, we recommend that you refer to a doctor or get a urine test done clinically to be certain of pregnancy regardless of the results of homemade pregnancy tests

how to make Pregnancy Test

Saturday 27 February 2016

Third Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms

By seventh month of pregnancy, a woman may gain around six to seven kilos. Hormone level in this period shoots up and causes mood swings, fatigue and heartburn. In the first week of seventh month, there are chances of experiencing sciatic pain and infections. 

Due to the increased size of uterus, a mom-to-be may also experience breathlessness.  In the second week of seventh month, there are increased possibilities of preeclampsia. It is the time when ligaments and muscles relax for delivery and breasts get ready for lactation. By third week, a woman may develop constipation, her diet may increase and foetus’s growth may make it difficult to rest too long in a certain position. Frequency of urination also increases.

As the first month of third trimester of pregnancy ends, the prospective mother gains more weight, blood volume of her body rises and breasts starts lactating. Other common symptoms are gum bleeding, leg pain and insomnia.


Symptoms of Eighth Month

Uterus grows to five inches from the navel and the woman’s weight increases by 10 kilos. 

Baby kicks for more than 10 times in every two hours. Mom-to-be finds difficulty in breathing, walking and sleeping due to expanded uterus.  In the second month of third trimester, production of amniotic fluid rises and keeps on increasing until the end of eighth week.

Belly button becomes very sensitive and heartburn may be caused by the baby’s acid spit ups. A woman may find that her hands, feet and face have swelled. If the there is excessive swelling, she may have developed preeclampsia.

Urination will become frequent and there will be trouble in eating. She may also experience vaginal discomfort due to pressure of uterus, which grows 5.5 inches from the navel.

There is increase in Braxton Hicks Contractions. Other frequent symptoms are lethargy, restlessness, mood swings and sleep disturbance.

Symptoms of Ninth Month 

In the last month of third trimester of pregnancy, lot of pressure can be felt in the lower abdomen because the baby prepares for delivery. As delivery is not too far, breast size of the mom-to-be increases.

Vaginal discharge and sleepless nights are some other common occurrences.  In the ninth month, there are possibilities of water retention. Baby movements also increase causing pain around pelvic and groin area. With every passing day, contractions will become frequent. Burning sensation may also be felt inside the vagina.

In the last week of pregnancy, the number of baby kicks increase and the woman will experience labour pain this week.

Third Trimester Pregnancy