Friday 29 July 2016

Child birth labour

Nine months of weird cravings, swollen breasts, squished lungs and no waistline leads up to the inevitable climatic point of pregnancy; labour. There are many rumours, myths and old wives tales that might make you feel unsettled, unprepared and downright terrified of this time-honoured rite of passage to motherhood.

Knowing what happens during labour and delivery can help relieve any fear or anxiety. Huggies has collected the following information, hints and tips to help prepare you for what is probably the most momentous event in your life.


Your big day is looming and it’s most likely going to be a roller coaster ride – scary and exciting all at the same time. One of the best ways you can ensure your labour is successful is proper preparation. You need to decide on several things in regard to your labour, including whether you will have a home birth or a birth in a hospital. Many hospitals give you a choice of going into a labour ward or a birthing centre. Birthing centres are usually for ‘natural’ births requiring no intervention and where the mother doesn’t want an epidural. Some have baths for water births.
If you do have a home birth, you will need to arrange a midwife. You may go into labour before or after your due date so it’s a good idea to start preparing a few weeks before your due date. You should get a hospital bag ready; this bag should be prepped way ahead of time. Some hospitals are a little pedantic about what you are and aren’t allowed into the hospital so it might be a good idea to check beforehand.

You should also ensure you have a car seat fitted for your little one’s journey home as well as nappies and baby clothes so your tot is comfortable and warm. It is a great idea to do a labour test run, where you get everything together and make a trip to the hospital. Many women are unsure about when labour actually starts, there are a couple of warning signs that signal the imminent onset of labour, but these signs can differ between women. Check out these signs and indicators in the signs of labour page so you are aware of what to look for. You should also understand that there are some different indicators for a premature birth, all these signs and symptoms are covered in Premature Birth: Signs and treatment of pre-term labour.
Labour can last a long time, and if you are relaxed about it, you should try to stay at home for as long as possible. If your contractions are arriving with 5 minutes intervals or less, if your water breaks, or you are bleeding, then it is a good time to make your way to the hospital. You should also have a reliable birth partner available to help you through the labour process. Here are the qualities and responsibilities that you should look for in a birth partner.


There are three distinct stages of labour, all with their own unique qualities and characteristics. Your first stage of labour is characterised by dilation of your cervix brought on by contractions. Your contractions will change from a dull cramp feeling into rhythmically occurring pain that comes at regular intervals. Due to this your cervix will become softer and more stretchy during its preparation for the baby. You should try to relax as much as possible and settle into a position that is comfortable for you. You should also go to the bathroom as often as possible to make sure your bladder is empty.
The second stage of labour is when your cervix is fully dilated, you push your baby down the birth canal and this stage ends with the birth. It helps to get into an upright position so that gravity can help the birth process. Don’t forget to breathe either! If you have had an epidural and can’t feel much, you need to listen carefully for instructions from your doctor or midwife.
Did you know that you are still in labour even after your baby is born? This is known as the third stage of labour. Your contractions might stop for a bit, giving you some false hope, but will start up again so that the placenta can be delivered (although they won’t be anywhere near as intense as your contraction from the first two stages). Some hospitals can give you an injection to nudge the placenta out of your body making the process easier for you. After you have ‘delivered’ the placenta, your midwife or doctor will check that everything is ok and that will pretty much be the end of your labour. Huggies has more detailed information on each stage of labour, so explore and get all the information to put your mind at ease

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Some of the health benefits of Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, include curing rickets, the treatment of osteomalacia, protection against peripheral arterial disease (PAD), reducing the risk of cancer, preventing bone fractures, and treating rachitic rosary.
Vitamin D (calciferol) is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for human health. It is also called a steroid vitamin, because it increases the metabolism and absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Normal sunlight is actually adequate for the production of Vitamin D in the skin. However, a deficiency of Vitamin D can cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

The diseases caused by Vitamin D deficiency are osteomalacia and rickets. Osteomalacia is most often found in adults. The main symptoms of osteomalacia are an increase in bone fractures, a waddling walk, and muscle weakness. Rickets is a disease of the bones found in children. The symptoms of rickets include bowed hands and bowed legs. This happens due to the softening of bones.

Important Sources of Vitamin D


Sunlight is the most important source of Vitamin D. Ultraviolet rays from the sun increase the speed of production of Vitamin D in the skin. Fifteen minutes of sun exposure a day is enough to complete your Vitamin D requirement. Vitamin D is found in a few foods, such as mackerel, sardines, and salmon fishes. Other good sources of vitamin D include butter, egg yolks, cod liver oil, and oily fish. Fortified milk also contains some amount of Vitamin D.

Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Curing Rickets: Vitamin D helps the body control phosphate and calcium levels in the body. In the case of a deficiency of vitamin D, the body is then unable to control phosphate and calcium levels. The body may generate other hormones to encourage the release of phosphate and calcium from the bones if the levels of these minerals in the blood become very low. This results in weakening and softening of the bones.
Rickets is identified by an X-ray examination of the bones of the legs. Rickets can be cured quickly with an extra dose of oral Vitamin D. During the treatment of rickets, a doctor monitors the levels of 25-OH-D in the plasma to raise it to a normal value. The abnormalities in the bones will then slowly disappear.
Rickets can also be caused by a calcium deficiency, even when a child is adequately exposed to the sun. For the treatment of this type of rickets, a supplement of extra calcium must be given along with the dose of Vitamin D.
Treatment of Osteomalacia: Osteomalacia is a disease found in the skeleton. The meaning of the word ‘Osteomalacia’ is “soft bones”. Minerals, calcium, phosphorus, and the matrix comprised of collagen, osteoclasts, and osteoblasts are the four main components of bone. Osteoclasts are bone-removing cells and osteoblasts are bone-manufacturing cells. The collagen fibers in matrix are covered by minerals. The strength of a bone depends upon the rich mineral coating over the collagen matrix. The mineral coating, if found in a significant quantity, forms a strong bone. Osteoclasts eradicate old bone and osteoblasts manufacture the new collagen matrix. Osteomalacia takes place if the process of formation of the mineral coating does not take place correctly. In this disease, new bones are formed without the mineral coating, which leads to softening of the bones. These types of bones may crack or bend easily. Osteomalacia is treated with an oral dose of Vitamin D and direct exposure to the sun. One alternative  for absorbing ultraviolet rays is the use of UV lamps.
Protection Against Peripheral Arterial Disease: Vitamin D reduces the chance of peripheral arterial disease. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium, which is essential for our bones. Children are asked to sit in the sun for a moderate amount of time for the absorption of Vitamin D, in order to prevent this terrible disease.
Cutting the Risk of Cancer: Studies have shown that a high intake of vitamin D can reduce the risk of various types of cancers and cardiovascular diseases. It helps to protect against cancers of the prostate, lung, skin, and lymphoma.
Reducing Bone Fractures: Vitamin D-rich diets reduce the chances of disabling fractures. A good intake of calcium will not keep the bones strong if Vitamin D is missing or lacking.
Treating Rachitic Rosary: Vitamin D also helps in treating rachitic rosary, which manifests in bead-like bumps seen at the joints of the ribs with their cartilages. This condition is often found in children that are already suffering from rickets.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Natural birth

A natural birth is the low-tech way of having a baby by allowing nature to take its course. It’s based on the notion that women know what to do: that they are innately able to have a baby without machines, epidurals and fear.
Historically, nearly all women had their children this way. In many parts of the world they still do. And more and more women are choosing normal birth today. So there’s certainly nothing new, wacky or alternative about natural birth.
For many mums-to-be, having a natural birth isn’t about being ‘brave’ or a radical or a martyr but about treating birth as a normal, event, not a medical problem. Many healthy women with low-risk pregnancies chose a natural birth because they:
  • Want to feel totally in touch with the birth experience
  • Trust the process of birth
  • Trust their own ability to give birth
  • Are confident they can handle the pain
  • Want to avoid the risk that medications may pose for the mother or baby


When a woman goes into a labour, contractions become stronger and stronger, the cervix stretches and opens, and baby moves lower and down the birth canal. With each contraction, pain sends a signal to the brain and oxytocin is released, which in turn increases the intensity of the contractions. As the pain of the contractions increases, more oxytocin is released and the contractions become harder.
Labour pain is what most women fear the most. But it is the pain of that is considered valuable, as the pain is nature’s way of helping women find their own ways of giving birth. The pain of each contraction becomes a guide. The labouring woman chooses positions and moves in response to what she feels, which helps labour progress by increasing the strength and efficiency of the contractions and encouraging the baby to move down the birth canal. When the pain is removed by an epidural, the feedback system is disrupted and labour may slow down and become less efficient.

Also, as labour progresses and pain increases, endorphins (a painkiller made by your body that is stronger than morphine) are released in increasing amounts. Endorphins contribute to a shift in thinking, from a rational mind-set to a more instinctive one, creating a dream-like state that helps women in the job of giving birth. As labour progresses and the pain increases, women go into themselves, become much less aware of the external environment and much more focused on the inner experience and the task of pushing the baby out.
There is widespread support for it in Australia , with midwives and many doctors and obstetricians in favour of this kind of birth, so you should get lots of support for your decision to do it this way.


Water birth is a popular way to have a usual birth, as it’s proven to help with pain management and also has other benefits for mother and baby. Many birthing centres and some hospitals offer waterbirths. You can also have a water birth at home with a midwife in attendance. In this section, we talk about the advantages of waterbirth, why women choose this method of birth, and what’s involved.


Up until the 19th century when hospitals became more common and birth became more medical, all women had a birth at home. Today, hundreds of healthy Australian women have a birth at home with a midwife in attendance. Find out why women choose home birth, how to plan a home birth and what happens if something goes wrong with your birth at home.


Here we discuss in detail the role of labour pain and how it can help you in the birthing process. Read up about the many ways there are to relieve and manage labour pain. You may be surprised to learn there are some very effective pain management techniques that don’t involve needles or medicine!


Discover exactly what’s happens within your body during a normal labour. It’s a fascinating journey, and the more you know, the more confident you’ll feel about your innate ability to give birth to your baby. Learn to recognise when you are in true labour, find out about the three stages of labour, and read about the important support role played by your partner or a friend.


After months of waiting, hours or even days of labour, the big moment is here: your baby is leaving your body and entering the world! Find out what happens to you and your baby during the delivery stage of a birth.


Every woman’s birth experience is different, but with a natural birth, chances are you’ll be lying back with your new baby in your arms, happy, excited and proud. But the birthing process isn’t over yet, and bonding is just beginning. Read more about this magical stage of birth, including the care you and your baby will receive from your birth attendant.


If you’ve decided a natural birth is the way to go, it’s a good idea to start preparing early on, as birthing centres can get booked out months in advance. You should also look at attending birth education classes, because being well informed and in tune with your body and knowing what to expect during a birth are the keys to feeling confident in your ability to give birth naturally. Here we outline the ways you and your partner can prepare for the birth of your baby, from finding a midwife to choosing the music for your labour!

Folic acid: for preconception and pregnancy

You are having a baby or planning a pregnancy. Learn what you need to know about folic acid.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid (also known as folate or vitamin B9) is a vitamin which helps grow and protect cells in your body. It is found in some foods and in multivitamin supplements.

Why is folic acid important during preconception and pregnancy?

Your body needs folic acid when cells are growing and dividing very quickly. This happens during pregnancy as your uterus (womb) expands, the placenta develops, your body circulates more blood, and the fetus grows. Because of this, folic acid is important for a healthy pregnancy.
As your body grows, your baby is also growing very quickly. Maintaining healthy eating habits and proper levels of vitamins and minerals (such as folic acid) before conception and during pregnancy helps decrease the risk of some birth defects. Folic acid lowers the risk of birth defects such as neural tube defects (NTDs), heart and limb defects, urinary tract anomalies, narrowing of the lower stomach valve, and oral facial clefts (like cleft lip and cleft palate).

How can I get enough folic acid?

Folic acid is found in dark green, leafy vegetables, citrus fruit, whole grains, and other foods. In Canada, since 1998, enriched white flour, pasta, and cornmeal have been fortified with folic acid. Since then, there has been a decline in the rate of neural tube defects in Canada.
Here is a list of some foods that are recommended sources of folic acid:
  • fortified grains
  • spinach
  • lentils
  • chickpeas
  • asparagus
  • broccoli
  • peas
  • brussels sprouts
  • corn
  • oranges
Making sure you get enough folic acid every day from food is a challenge. That’s why Canadian experts recommend you take a multivitamin with folic acid to ensure you get the amount you and your baby need.

When should I take folic acid supplements?

Since folic acid is so important in the early stages of pregnancy, start taking a multivitamin with folic acid if you are trying to conceive. It’s important to get your daily dose of folic acid even before you become pregnant. Continue through pregnancy and for at least four to six weeks after birth and as long as you are breastfeeding.

Neural tube defects (NTDs)

In the beginning of pregnancy, even before the time most women find out they are pregnant, folic acid plays an important role in the early development of the part of the fetus called the neural tube. The neural tube forms in weeks three and four of pregnancy and grows into the brain and spinal cord. When the tube doesn’t close properly, this is called a neural tube defect (NTD). Some examples of NTDs are spina bifida (the spine or its covering stick out of the back), anencephaly (absence of part of the brain), and encephalocele (part of the brain grows outside the skull).

How do I choose a multivitamin?

Talk it over with your health-care professional. If you are at a low risk for neural tube defects (NTDs), choose a multivitamin with 0.4-1.0 milligrams (mg) of folic acid. However, if you are at a higher risk for NTDs, your health-care professional may suggest a higher daily dose of
folic acid. You might have a higher risk if:
  • you had a previous pregnancy affected by NTDs
  • you have a family history of NTDs
  • you belong to an ethnic group that research shows is at a higher risk for NTDs (such as Sikh or Celtic)
  • you have insulin-dependent diabetes
  • you are obese
  • you take certain medications to treat a seizure disorder
  • you have a hard time remembering to take medications
  • you have an addiction to alcohol or drugs*
If you are at increased risk, your health-care provider may recommend you take up to 5.0 milligrams of folic acid daily, for at least three months before conception. After 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, switch to the lower dose (0.4-1.0 mg) for the rest of the pregnancy and continue while breastfeeding.

Neural tube defects (NTDs)

In the beginning of pregnancy, even before the time most women find out they are pregnant, folic acid plays an important role in the early development of the part of the fetus called the neural tube. The neural tube forms in weeks three and four of pregnancy and grows into the brain and spinal cord. When the tube doesn’t close properly, this is called a neural tube defect (NTD). Some examples of NTDs are spina bifida (the spine or its covering stick out of the back), anencephaly (absence of part of the brain), and encephalocele (part of the brain grows outside the skull).

Can I have too much folic acid or vitamins?

If you take a multivitamin with folic acid and eat a balanced diet by following Canada’s Food Guide, you won’t have too much folic acid. If you do end up with any extra in your body, it will usually just pass in your urine. If you need a higher than normal amount of folic acid, talk to your health-care provider about taking an additional folic acid supplement with your multivitamin to get the correct amount.
Taking more than the recommended dose of vitamins can be harmful. Make sure you do not take more than the recommended dose of your multivitamin per day. Read the label on any vitamins when you buy outside the pharmacy.
Choose a multivitamin with vitamin A as beta-carotene instead of as retinol since too much retinol may cause birth defects.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

How to understand pregnant

If someone is pregnant simply a struggle for many months, many men will do. The understanding of the fertility of the large section and more women become pregnant.

According to the American Association of pregnancy, and women are bare soil is fertile six millionth If it takes six months, 12 women, a very healthy child does not get the delay may be maintained. For most people to know what happens inside the loop of her monthly flow of women tried to the fact that your stomach can imagine up.
Spermatophyta hormones understand the basics

In the middle of the first cycle of her flowers, it is the dominant hormone estrogen. Estrogen in the body, as the cause of the heat should be an increase in luteinizing hormone that triggers free from the ovary an egg. Ovulation said many witnesses to the top of LH (luteinizing hormone) shortly before ovulation, the best sign of ovulation is immanent.

Estrogen ovulation the case full of mucus, it is time to wait in a safe, so that the eggs with sperm. In the old days it was doing and step increases ovulation with progesterone, estrogen vertebrates fall Felis. Progesterone, the dominant vertebrates of the hormone in the luteal phase in about two weeks before ovulation will wait for a completely new things from him. At Easter was determined and are imposed as a condition that it is true luteal phase.
Intelligence to serious fertility intercourse pregnant

Tales of a lot about pregnant the day of ovulation met 14 of the menstruation of the world could at any time Con concept of the cycle of anything else. You can do is before the last day, 14 But ovulation when the egg was their sperm for 12-24 hours, the fifth largest represented a woman, alone, most of the quantity of the fruit is only seven times.

He was the risk of pregnancy, the union included men in the days before ovulation and the day after your order. This body is it different for themselves, cooking them ovuled LH peak, that something, and the rejection of measures that does not release an egg, because the body was gone again reflects the other, they may in fact have the eggs are released over. Then, to continue the dialogue, as it creates the ovulation in this case.

Spermatophyta card body core temperature to a basal ovulation

After ovulation, the dominant, progesterone, a hormone of vertebrates, that the body makes the temperature (BBT) to rise from the middle. The temperature of the altar of goods in the luteal phase begins to walk with estrogen, he will be raised at the beginning of a new cycle of her flowers or stay as high as the concept has been achieved. Graphics programs can help track of every day, and by the degree of BTK and ovulation. To the BBT chart shows, angiosperms check Friendster.

When he gets the concept, the stomach, the hormone hCG is produced, which now supports abortion. This is evidenced by the hormone concept of expectations. Unfortunately, the evidence that hCG progesterone, part of the vertebrates, although nausea, headache, breast tenderness, the more difficult between the demands of the old and the concept of the miracle of the body with natural progesterone, vertebrate ovulation has been found.

Usually when there is a concept, not the eggs do not implant in the uterus after only about a week. Finally, the establishment of hCG is produced, making it difficult to start in a positive concept in the next round of hope on her flowers for free.

Fertility Tips To Get Pregnant Fast

Fertility tips on how to accept pregnant quick are fairly straight forward although the biggest factor when trying to conceive is all about avoiding stress and alarm. Chances are that if you are focused on how to obtain pregnant hastily you could very likely be jeopardizing the one thing you crave by trying too hard. acquire sense?  Read the unbelievable fertility tips on how to accept pregnant rapidly but do try to remain composed and relaxed while going about it.

Fertility Tips To Get Pregnant Fast

develop an appointment to scrutinize your GP to ensure that you are healthy and infection free before trying to conceive as it's primary to rule out any possible causes that may prevent you from falling pregnant. Also end smoking and drinking alcohol; even a diminutive alcohol before ovulation does hinder things.

Healthy Lifestyle: This is the best time to adopt a healthy lifestyle which includes eating upright. This means limiting fleet and fatty foods as well as maintaining regular spend, reliable sleep patterns and avoiding stress as distinguished as possible.

Know Your Ovulation Times: This means vivid your most fertile times and as most women are only fertile for about 5 to 6 days in their cycle these are the best to go ahead and try to do babies! The easiest intention to work these days out is by exhaust of an ovulation predictor kit or OPK's as they display when you are about to ovulate and are generally simple to read. Confirmation in; then glean busy making your baby!

Have Sex Daily During Ovulation: The key is to have sex before ovulation occurs as well as during those fertile days! Unless there is a predicament with your partner's sperm having sex everyday during these fertile five or six days increases the odds tremendously when it comes to getting pregnant because the chances of catching that egg are greatly improved. If not every day; even every other day will support because sperm can survive inside you for up to five days in readiness for when that egg decides to appear.  

Fertility Tips To Get Pregnant Fast

Do Vary Your Sexual Positions: although missionary is the weak pregnancy place because the sperm and egg have a better chance of union. But doggy-style, spooning and missionary all provide kindly access to the cervix. The only no-no really is with the woman on top.

select The Herbal Supplement Vitex: Also known as chasteberry/agnus castus; Vitex is a herb which aids female fertility by balancing hormones and regulating your menstrual cycle as well as reducing PMS symptoms. So give this herbal supplement a go.

Fertility Tips To Get Pregnant Fast

These fertility tips on how to bag pregnant hastily should certainly perk up your fertility and increase the odds of you falling pregnant hastily. Now that you know what you need to do to fetch pregnant faster; do withhold a check on those fertile days. Then it's five or six days of nothing but sex! You should gain that BFP (vast bulky distinct)  pregnancy test result in no time!