Monday 7 December 2015

Back to school tips to keep your child healthy

Back to pencils, teachers, books and hopefully not dirty looks. But one thing is for sure when kids head back to school—they’re exposed to loads of germs and other factors that might compromise their health like unhealthy school lunches and a lack of activity.
healthy kids
When it comes to the fall season, we have some great tips for keeping your kids (and your whole family) healthy. Here goes:
1. Set them on the right track when it comes to a healthy weight.Childhood obesity is on the rise and we’ve got some amazing expert tips to help them form healthy eating habits and maintain a healthy weight.
2. Getting kids active with play. Not sure how to get your kids away from the TV? Click here for 10 tips on getting your kids to be more active.
3. Pack them healthy lunches. Instead of battling with kids over what they do and don’t like, get them to help you make their lunches and grocery shop so you’re more likely to make something they’ll enjoy instead of trade. Click here for the best back to school lunch ideas.
4. Help kids manage germs. Learn all about colds and flu (and the mostnatural ways to treat them) and teach kids the basics. Then, ask them to practice these habits at home and at school. Things like handwashing, not sharing food and not putting their fingers in their eyes or mouths can help reduce their odds of bringing home a bug.

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