Monday 18 January 2016

24 Easy and Safe Ways to Get Rid Of Styes Fast at Home | Why do I Have a Red Bump on My Eyelid?

What are Styes? Causes and Symptoms

Most bumps on the eyelid are styes. A stye consists of inflammation of a sebaceous gland just over the eyelid to form a reddish bump that looks like a pimple. Bacteria known as staph are usually responsible for causing styes. In some cases, there may be other bacteria involved. The bacteria can be transferred to the eyes due to improper hygiene. A lump in the eye is very uncomfortable and painful. This is why those who have a stye are desperately trying to find solutions to help reduce inflammation and pain.
The most common symptoms are:
  • Slight swelling of the eyelid
  • Redness
  • Pain
Other symptoms are:
  • Sensitivity
  • Burning sensation
  • Discomfort when blinking
  • Increased sensitivity to light

Home Remedies for Styes

1) Coriander seeds

Boil 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds in a cup of water. Use this water to wash the eyes 3-4 times a day.

2) Tea Bags

Moisten some tea bags and place them over your eyes for 8-10 minutes. Do this several times a day. You can also use bags of chamomile tea or dandelion — both herbs are anti-bacterial. This is one of the most popular home remedies for treating styes, as it is very effective when it comes to calming the infection.

3) Alum

Use alum water to wash your eyes. This calms the stye. To prepare the solution, mix 2-3 granules of alum in a cup of water.

4) Potatoes

Make a paste from potato, spread it on a cloth and apply it externally on inflamed eyes to reduce swelling.

5) Turmeric

This spice is known for its great healing powers and provides fast relief from styes. Put 1 teaspoon of turmeric into 2 cups of water and boil. Boil until the solution is reduced down to half its original amount. Then, pass this preparation several times through a fine gauze to remove all the turmeric granules. Use the remaining liquid as eye drops 2-3 times daily.

6) Guava

Heat up guava leaves and place on a warm, damp cloth. Apply this compress slowly over your eyes. This helps to get rid of swelling and irritation of the stye.

7) Chard Leaf

Wash chard leaves and then heat it up with a little water for five minutes. Strain the liquid and let it cool. Apply this directly to the affected area with your eyelids closed half an hour. Repeat this three times a day until the styes disappear.

8) Mint Leaf

Crush several mint leaves and apply as a poultice on the stye. Leave on for 5 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

9) Calendula

Prepare an infusion of calendula with a tablespoon of dried petals per 250 ml of water. Strain the liquid, then use gauze to apply on the affected eyelid until it cools. Repeat this three times a day.

10) Spinach

Boil a handful of tender spinach, add to warm and drain, then apply as a poultice on the affected eyelid for 30 minutes. Repeat this three times daily.

11) Chamomile

Boil 25 g of chamomile, 10 g of horsetail, and 10 g of thyme in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Cover and let cool. Apply as a compress on the eyes three times a day.

12) Aloe vera

Apply aloe vera gel with a cotton stick to the affected area several times a day. This will get rid of styes in no time. Aloe vera has other amazing healing properties. It indeed is a miracle plant.

13) Acacia leaf
Put a handful of acacia leaves in 1 cup of boiling water. Cover and let cool. Wet a clean cotton cloth or gauze and apply as a compress on the eye that has the stye. Leave it on for 10 minutes. This remedy combat the pain of a stye

14) Coriander leaves

Boil 1 teaspoon coriander leaves in 1/2 cup water for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and let cool. Filter and then soak the gauze with this preparation and clean your affected eye several times a day.

15) Saliva! (Really?)

Really! Heat a little saliva with the index finger in the palm of the other hand and then place it on the stye.

16) Egg

Place an egg laid recently on the stye and leave on for 5 minutes. Or, separate the white of a raw egg and place it in a clean cloth. Place this compress to the stye for fifteen minutes three times a day.

17) Warm compress

Make a warm compress with a cloth or towel warmed in hot water on the eyelid area for five minutes, two or three times a day until the stye disappears.

18) Eye exercises can help

Eye exercises such as moving the eyes gently up and down, from side to side in a circle — clockwise, counterclockwise, and in semicircles — also helps with styes. This eliminates tension and relaxes the eyes and surrounding tissues.

19) Parsley

Pour a cup of boiling water over a handful of fresh parsley. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes. Soak a clean cloth in the mixture, place a cloth dampened with water on your eyes and relax for 15 minutes. Repeat this before bed. This mixture is also good to get rid of puffiness around the eyes.

20) Use a cotton cloth to get rid of pus

To get rid of pus, apply a cotton ball soaked in warm water for several times a day. Leave the cotton on your eyelids for 10 minutes.

21) Cucumber

Cucumber is another home remedy for styes. Place cucumber slices on the infected eyelids to reduce inflammation and pain. You can also apply tomato slices over the affected area.

22) Cloves

Soak a clove in water and rub gently to the affected eyelid. This will help reduce the pain.

23) Salt

Add some salt to warm water, let it cool a bit, and then moisten a clean cotton cloth with it. Rub the cotton on the affected eye.

24) Gold?

Another home remedy that has been supported by word of mouth is to to find a gold object, such as a ring or bracelet, rub on a cloth or a piece of clothing to warm it up first, and then place it on the stye. Or, you can heat a spoon (dunking it into hot water works), let it cool slightly and place it on the stye. Make sure its not too hot, though, or you could hurt yourself!

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