Thursday 7 January 2016

5 Ways how to deal with criticism

Criticism in nature is harsh and no one likes being criticized, but unfortunately, it’s a part and parcel of life. Here are some ways to help you deal with criticism.
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    Never take it personally

    The first thing that happens on receiving criticism is that people take it personally. Some people take pleasure in bringing others down, but there is a difference between criticism and condemnation.  One should recognize that criticism is not about getting personal. When somebody suggests a particular way to handle a project or situation, then criticism does not imply on one’s character. It rather is a methodology of how and when things are suppose to be done.
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    Be a patient listener

    When you are at the receiving end of criticism, give the person a chance to state their case. Hear out the person patiently. There is no one on this planet that is perfect and people only learn by making mistakes. So, hear out the person uncomplainingly without reacting, so that you make a difficult situation easy to deal with.
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    Don’t be spontaneous to respond

    Waiting a little before responding is the best way to deal with a situation. If you reply with aggression or an injured pride, you will regret it later, but if you wait tolerantly, it would enable you to reflect in a calmer way.
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    Take inspiration from negative feedback

    Make sure you transform all the negativity that comes your way into positivity in life. If you feel that the person critiquing you is untrue, use his negativity as a motivation to do things that are right and positive for you.
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    Make sure you smile because smiling helps you relax more and maintain a positive vibe. It helps you immensely psychologically, and motivates others to be more reasonable in their approach. 

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