Saturday 19 December 2015

How to Soothe a Crying Baby

Soothing a crying baby is very necessary and every mother must know the reasons of crying a baby and techniques to soothe him anytime. Baby cry may be of different types according to the need and health problems he/she faced so, a mother must know how to soothe a crying baby by fulfilling his/her needs. However, two to three hours of crying is normal for new born baby but it needs careful watch if a baby cry continuously or during night or at any fix time of the day.

Crying of a baby is the best way of communication to his/her mother and other dear ones providing care in order to get a quick response about the needs. However, sometimes it becomes so hard of realising a baby crying which needs immediate attention and becomes so necessary to consult a doctor. Some of the best ways of soothing a crying baby are mentioned below:

  • After spending a long time of nine months inside the mother womb, a baby becomes used to of the limited area he/she moves his/her limbs, soothe, dark and cool environment and loving touch of the mother so, a baby cry outside in absence of such environment. A mother can soothe her baby by providing secure and safety environment like soft clothing, wrapping while sleeping and offering touch to her body and breast feeding while sleeping.
  • Hold your baby close by placing into your arms and move for sometime or use rocking chair if already tired.
  • Soothe a baby using baby swings in rhythmic motions which makes him calm down soon.
  • Try to make available him with good vibrating sounds of washing machine, dryer and etc which provides him comfort and rest.
  • Sometimes, fathers are king for a baby and their strong and warm arms provide quick soothe to a baby.
  • Wrapping a baby into thin, cotton and lightweight blanket including her/his arms provides him a wonderful calming effect and secure sleep.
  • Sleep with your baby by placing him on your chest and stomach which makes him soothe when he/she listen pumping sound of your heart and gurgling sound of stomach.
  • Play slow music in his/her room or provide sound of running water.
  • Say something directly to his/her ear quietly again and again which makes him feel the availability of womb environment.
  • Ensure that he/she is free of bloating and gas problems as new born babies are more prone to it. If he/she suffers gas problems try to lay him down on knees and provide gentle rub to her/his back, move his/her leg in bicycle motion while he lying on the back and must consult to the doctor.
  • Try to ensure that whether he/she suffers colic pain if cry more than three hours a day continuously.
  • Get proper diet so that he/she can get healthy nutrients through the breast milk for better growth and development.
  • Stick colourful sceneries to the walls which can distract his/her mind and calm down.
  • Provide baby regular and timely massage which provides him stroking soothing.
  • Dim the room light and shut down TV to avoid extra stimulation of his/her nerves.
  • Avoid placing him in too much hot or too much cold environment.
  • Provide him regular and timely bath, breast feed and other things.
  • Check baby clothing whether it’s too tight, wet or soiled.
  • Check whether he/she develops breathing problem, fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, constipation and other common disorders.
  • Do not forget to burp your baby after feeding to avoid baby crying after a feed.
  • Teething is a painful process among babies and most common reason of crying so provide him a proper teeth support using teether.
  • Always care baby emotional feelings of need, happiness, joy, sadness, anger and etc in order to avoid baby crying and provide better growth and development.
  • Identify whether a baby cry due to the pain after vaccination, at night or due to acid reflux, in such cases consult your doctor immediately.
  • Instruct ad guide your spouse, family members, friends, babysitter and nanny about the proper care of the baby with maintained hygiene.

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