Sunday 20 December 2015

Colic in Babies

What is Colic in Babies

Baby colic is also called as the infantile colic which generally affects new born babies by showing the symptoms of baby crying episodes (more than three hours a day). The particular reason of this colic is unknown however it has been noted among babies with organic diseases, relationship stress, breastfeeding failure, excess disturbance, postpartum depression, child abuse, shaken baby syndrome and etc.
Sometimes it disappears when baby grows to three to four months (or one year) however it needs very close attention by the parents and doctors as well when required. Any baby whether healthy, well-fed or weak may suffer with this problem.

Signs and symptoms of Colic in Babies

There are no any clear signs and symptoms of the colic however it is defined as the baby crying episodes for three to four hours a day or more among babies of two weeks to four months of age. Baby with colic generally cry in the evening without reason. Baby cry by pulling his/her legs up to the stomach with high pitch having wrinkled brow, flushed face, arched back and clenched hands and fingers.
Baby generally cry in normal way because of the reasons like getting wet, soiled, hungry, frightened, weak, tired however baby with colic cries loudly, continuously and excessively on daily basis at the same time during late afternoon or evening. Baby may develop gas problem during colic cry because of lots of air swallowed.

How to Cope with Colic in Babies

A baby suffering from the colic creates lots of problem for parents and other family members as they become unable to find out the exact reason of crying as baby cry for unknown reasons. They get very fed up physically, mentally and psychologically as it disturbs the family stability and daily routine. Parents develop problems of anxiety, depression, fatigue, early termination of breastfeeding, postpartum depression and stress. It disturbs the sexual life of parents and creates severe marital discord problem.
In order to cope with this condition, over feeding a baby should be avoided in the myth to lessen the crying, feeding of high sugar content things should also be avoided (undiluted juices) as it may lead to the gas problem in the intestine and make condition worse.

Causes of Colic in Babies

The exact and real cause of baby colic unknown however babies with excess cry are found to suffer organic disease like acid reflux, constipation, gastro-oesophageal reflux, intestinal gas, anal fissures, birth complications, depression, lactose intolerance, diarrhoea, allergy from cow milk or formula milk, stressful delivery, subdural hematomas, elevated temperature, irritability, lethargy, poor weight gain, infections, breathing problems, infantile migraine and so many.
Babies may develop colic due to the lack of proper attention and honesty by the parents. Colic babies need more special attention, care and love by the parents than other normal babies. A baby with excess crying may be diagnosed having colic by the doctor after getting complete history and physical examination and tests like X-rays, blood tests and etc.

Prevention and Treatment of Colic in Babies

Managing a baby with colic is very tough task for the parents as it affects them physically and psychologically. It involves great attention and assurance by the parents for a baby with colic. Some of the calming measures like swaddle a baby with legs flexed, holding baby on stomach side, swinging baby with proper support of head, breast feeding, using pacifier, lovely conversation and etc can be applied by the parents.
If a baby has allergy or lactose intolerance to the formula milk or cow milk, it should be avoided by the mother in order to improve the condition. A breast feeding mother must take care of her diet (safe, simple and healthy diet without spice or harmful effects) for providing proper breast feed to her baby without any problem. There are no any alternative medicines available having clear beneficial effects. A baby with colic must get proper attention, love, affection, gentle conversation and feed by the parents. However, it is best to consult with doctor and get proper assurance about the baby condition.

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