Friday 4 December 2015

World Mental Health Day 2014: Expert diet tips to prevent mental health problems

There are about 20 million Indians, according to the World health Organisation (WHO) statistics, who are suffering from mental health problems. Most of the common mental health problems like depression, anxiety, mood related disorders are influenced by external factors around us and the way we live our lives. Some of these can be easily prevented by making changes to our lifestyle. The role of diet in mental health has been investigated for a long time, with evidence suggesting a close link between diet and mental health issues.

Can diet changes prevent mental health problems? 
‘Yes, to a certain extent. We are what we eat. So definitely, the food options you choose affect your mood, cognitive ability capacity and mental wellness. Common mental health problems like depression, schizophrenia and dementia are not directly linked to food but there is quite a lot of evidence indicating that a diet rich in antioxidants as well as vitamins play a crucial role in stepping up the process of neural regeneration, says diet expert Tina Khanna.
Here are some tips she offers to tips to boost mental health and prevent mental disorders.
  • Incorporate foods of different colours on your plate. The more the colours the more antioxidant rich your meals get, which helps in healing damaged nerve cells.
  • Green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, beetroot, pomegranate, eggs, soy and herbs are some foods that allow holistic mind healing.
  • Eggs are a source of choline, another important nutrient that is involved in neural message transmission.
  • Ensure your diet is rich in protein. Proteins release ‘feel good hormones’ (seretonin) in the body.
  • Reduce your carbohydrate intake, as carbs tend to spike sugar levels, and can actually leave you drained and depressed. Although sugar is an instant pick-up but the slump that follows is depressive.
  • Alcohol has the same effect. So avoid drinking.
  • Sometimes low level of calcium may also affect mental wellness. So get your calcium levels checked. According to Jeetika, Theta Healer at calcium supplements may improve decision making capabilities of an individual with low self esteem.

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