Monday 7 December 2015

The Parents Guide to Healthy Snacking

It is every parent's primary concern to make sure that the children do not suffer any health issues due to not being provided enough nutrients in food. Also children often overeat in their enthusiasm and hunger, which lead to minor glitches like constipation and indigestion. Avoid all these mistakes and make sure you reduce the amount of junk you feed your children.

A balanced diet and vegetables shall supplement the positive growth in your child, whether mental or physical. Off late, due to time constraints or a hectic lifestyle, we as parents neglect the needs of our own children. Junk food does not compliment the health needs of any individual and children tend to binge on them if not provided enough food. And this might be a problem.

Here's how you can be the smart and responsible parent.

Ten Snacking Tips

Children normally tend to snack mid-morning, before lunch, in the afternoons and sometimes in the evenings. So here is a list to make sure you provide all the required supplements before you whip that quick snack for your loved ones.
  • Make sure you choose the right time for a snack. Often snacks, instead of working as appetizers to a wholesome meal, make the child full and prevent him from eating his veggies and rice. Chapatis should not be the only main course. Make it a habit to eat at regular times on all days and incorporate a gap of at least one and a half hours before any meal.
  • Teach your children to concentrate on their food and not be around any distractions like the television or video games which lead to overeating. Also make sure you teach them to chew their food before they gulp it.
  • Plan the snacks you make so that they contain all nutrients. And try variations between a solid snack (like buttered broccoli or cottage cheese and chana in the mornings) and a liquid protein shake or milk shake for the evenings.
  • Make sure you set the right example to your children. Avoid that glass of wine at nights or binging on wafers in front of them.
  • Stop being monotonous with the snacks you serve. Try mini idlis or pizzas and innovate. You could also use wheat bread sandwiches instead of instant noodles. Also try raw veggies with a cheesy dip or a quickhealthy bhel with soy chunks.
  • Even at our age, we find it difficult to stop munching on the crispies and fried chips. Make sure to keep junk food out of reach of your children and keep muesli or other healthier snacks where they can find and eat them.
  • Traveling and food are very important. Make sure to carry boiled waterfrom home in a water bottle. Also carry healthy snack options like chaat masala and raw veggies like carrots and cucumbers in a cool insulated box. You could also carry fresh juices or lemon juice to avoid thirst or dehydration.
  • Make sure you include proteins in your child's diet. Give him those cheese slices or peanut butter sandwiches. Include glucose drinks.
  • Encourage your children to form hygienic habits and wash their mouth after every meal. Make sure they brush twice a day to prevent cavities.
  • Lastly, a little indulgence of junk food is always a treat to the kids. So do not deprive them of their happiness. But do keep it in check.

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