Saturday 5 December 2015

7 Lies You Believe About Nutrition

The world of nutrition is plagued with lies.
It's full of misconceptions, misnomers, bad science and greedy companies trying to get their hand even further into your wallet.
So, it's time to cut through the noise. I want to bring to light the 7 biggest lies you've been told about nutrition, with research backed evidence to show you the light.
If you're ready to have your current beliefs rocked, come with me as I expose these 7 common lies:
1. 'Saturated Fats Are Bad For Your Heart'
Your whole life you've been told that eating high fat foods was bad for your heart and your cholesterol.
That butters, creams, cheeses, steaks and all your favourite meats were slowly taking you towards an inevitable heart attack.
In fact, that could not be further from the truth.
Studies of the above Study pieced together over 21 of 350,000 people which had 11,000 heart Disease, which Covers A span of almost  14 Years.
Their conclusion?  There is no correlation between saturated fat and heart Disease eating.
So, I suggest you go out and eat a butter-fried steak to celebrate.
2.  'You Must Eat 5 Meals A Day To Lose Weight'
AdAge of the old body-Builders  'eat before you're HUNGRY, stop before you're Full'  has been behind the madness of the Method for Personal trainers and Dieticians decades.
Probably, well, since  Pumping Iron  took the World by STORM. Everyone wants abs like Arnold after all, right?
Well, studies show that eating meals more frequently is not shown to favourably change the body composition of sedentary people.
Simply put: unless you're an athlete, or intensely More than Exercising week 6-8 hours, you're not going to lose  More  Weight doing following this Method.
It's More us  what  you put in your mouth, instead of  when  you eat it.
3.   'Carbohydrates Make You Fat'
You've all done it.
You've felt the bloated, guilty feeling after you've had a piece of toast with your breakfast. Or, when the breadbasket sits you in the EYE Glaring Shouting  'ME eat, eat ME!' at the top of VOICE SOFT white.
But, should you really feel bad and worry about the effect carbohydrates have on your waistline?
If you're going to drown in A Pool of Yourself Maple syrup, Scoff Down Pancakes or snack of you in bodyweight Twix's all day long -  yeah, you're probably going to make fat Yourself. 
But, if you're making a conscious effort to eat whole grain, minimally processed, single ingredient carbohydrates, then you should not feel guilty.
Because, well, they're naturally occurring foods. They grow and we eat them. Unlike, say, that Donut from Krispy Kreme.
As long as you're smart about your carbs, they are not going to make you fat. And, they could be just the energy boost you need.
4 .  'Is Fruit Juice Healthy'
Have you ever had one of those fruit juices from a coffee store, or the front of a supermarket? The ones that boast over 30 fruits in them: half a cabbage and a small field of spinach?
And, Most of these products do, as they say, Fruit contain this much.  But that does not make them Healthy.
Think about it this way: could you eat all the fruit if it was laid out in front of you?
Could you eat the 5 squeezed oranges it took to make your juice? Or the 2 bananas, apple, mango and peach that went into your smoothie?

But when it comes to drinking them, your body reacts differently. Because, well, it does not have to chew anything. It just receives the food in one big lump sum and has to deal with the consequences.
The problem is not the fruit itself, but the fructose (sugars) within it.
Research by the University of California shows that increased consumption of fructose can increase your body fat, and have a tonne of negative effects on your body.
Level of this would require fructose To Reach  A lot  of Fruit. But, the fruit juices you drink can take you an awful lot closer to the negative health consequences.
Stick to: Water, Black Coffee or Flavoured Tea's.
5. 'Low Fat Foods Are Really Healthy'
We've already established in this article that eating saturated fats is not bad for your heart.
What us' Low fat '  then FOODS? They just removed the bad fats, right?
In the words of English NUTRITIONIST, Ben Coomber, when you hear 'Low Fat, think  'Chemical Sh * T Storm'.
Because, well, when they remove the 'fat' (or the sugar in some cases) they fill the product full of chemicals. Most of these are harmful to the body, with the biggest culprit being aspartame.
For both your waistline and your health, choose the full-fat option.
6. 'Counting Calories Is Extremely Important'
That's right. All those day's you've spent totting up your calories, reading labels and focusing on hitting your magic number were all spent in vain.
Because, counting calories is the Equivalent of the Packet counting all the skittles in.  It does other than Little Tell How many you've eaten you.
I can already hear people crying,  'but what I want to know if I've eaten How many?'  And, if that's your Prerogative, feel free to do so.
But at the end of the day, your calorie counts mean nothing because not all calories were created equal.
500 Calories of Steak is far better for you than 500 calories of Chocolate Bars.
One is A Healthy Nutritious meal, filled with essential MINERALS, vitamins and FATs.  The other is A Bar chocolate.
7.  'Are Healthy Vegetable and Seed Oils'
It's safe to say that anything refined or highly processed is unhealthy.And, the same can be said for all your seed oils, vegetable oils and margarines you've been cooking with.
They're sold to you as a way to lower your risk of heart disease and be an all-round healthier option to full fat cooking oils and butters.
When in fact, they can actually  cause they're supposed to solve all the problems.
Studies show that the risk of heart disease and increase inflammation in your body, due to the high level of polyunsaturated fats, such as omega-6.
Stick to the high fat, 'unhealthy' alternatives, to positively affect and improve your health.
The Conclusion?  Do Your Own Research
Do not just believe the health claims of the 'professional' on the television, or the early-morning adverts that are looking for you to go out and buy a product.
If you're planning on cutting a food out of your diet completely, do a quick Google Pages search and see if there is actually any research to back up their claims.
Because, you'll usually find that there is not.

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