Monday 7 December 2015

Top 10 reasons to eat amaranth leaves or cholai

Amaranth leaves or amaranth greens are nutritious leafy vegetables that are widely consumed throughout the country. Available in a variety of colours, (shades of green and red); this leafy vegetable can be consumed in the form of soups, stir-fries, simmered dishes, gravies and dals. Known as cholai in hindi, amaranth leaves are an excellent source of a essential nutrients and trace elements. Here are the top ten health benefits that can be achieved by consuming this leafy vegetable as a part of your diet –
Lowers cholesterol
One of the key health benefits of amaranth leaves is its ability to lower your blood cholesterol level. This leafy vegetable contains tocotrienols, a type of vitamin E which helps in reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in the body and prevents coronary heart diseases. Read more about Top 10 heart healthy foods
Controls hypertension
Amaranth leaves are loaded with potassium and magnesium which are crucial for maintaining proper electrolyte balance in the body. The presence of significant amounts of dietary fibre in addition to other essential nutrients in these leaves aids in the management and prevention of hypertension.
Protects against cancer
The cancer protective activity of amaranth leaves is due to the antioxidant property of vitamin E, vitamin C and lysine, in addition to other essential nutrients. These leaves fight against harmful free radicals and prevent the formation of malignant cells responsible for cancer. Here are some food habits that can help prevent cancer. 
Good for diabetes
Studies have shown that amaranth leaves demonstrate anti-hyperglycemic activity and thus, lower blood sugar levels in type2 diabetics. [1] These leaves also lower other high risk factors responsible for increasing your blood sugar levels such as obesity and cholesterol. Read more about 10 tips to prevent diabetes
Improves digestion
Amaranth leaves are an excellent source of dietary fibre. These greens are good for children and elders as they are tasty and nutritious, loaded with various beneficial nutrients and are also easily digestible. They also prevent constipation along with enhancing your digestive health. Read more about how wrong food combinations can lead to indigestion and gas
Prevents anaemia
The deficiency of iron in the body results in anaemia. The presence of high amounts of iron in amaranth leaves makes them the best dietary source to prevent deficiency of this mineral in the body.
Eases skin problems
Amaranth leaves contain various health essential nutrients that exert anti-inflammatory action against skin infections. Due to the powerful astringent activity, these leaves act as a natural remedy to treat acne and other skin problems like eczema.
Lowers risk of calcium deficiency
Calcium is present in good amounts in amaranth leaves (thrice more than spinach leaves and twice more present in milk). Consume this leafy vegetable to lower your risk of health complications resulted due to calcium deficiencies such as osteoporosis. Read about the 7 foods you didn’t know are good for your bones
Relieves oral problems
Amaranth leaves act as an effective remedy to relieve a wide range of oral complications. The raw green vegetable has been widely used as a traditional medicine to treat sore throats, mouth ulcers and swollen gums. Here are some foods that’ll help reduce bad breath. 
Prevents hair loss
In case you are suffering from hair fall and premature greying of hair, consume amaranth leaves on a daily basis to get rid of your hair problems. These leaves act as a powerful natural remedy to prevent hair loss and strengthen your hair.
Note: Amaranth leaves contain good amounts of oxalic acid and hence people suffering from kidney diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and gout should avoid consuming this leafy vegetable.

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