Friday 11 December 2015

Health Benefits of Radish (Muli)

About Radish/Muli
The radish or muli is a root vegetable belongs to the Brassicaceae family, found and consumed all over the world. It is found in many varieties, sizes, shapes (round, long, oval) and colors (white, purple, red, pink, gray-black, green, yellow and etc) according to the season and duration of cultivation. Some varieties are grown only for getting seeds and oil of seeds.
Generally it is eaten raw in the salads and vegetable of its leaves. It tastes sweet and bitter. They available in the summer season from the month of April to the June and in the winter season from October to the January. Seed pod varieties is grown to get radish seeds.


Benefits of White Radish
Radish or muli, its leaves, seeds and seeds oil has variety of health benefits and used for the treatment of various diseases or problems. All the beneficial effects of the radish are mentioned below:
Treats Jaundice
Radish is used for years to treat jaundice as it acts as a good detoxifier for the liver and stomach.
Purifies Blood
It helps in purifying the blood as well as eliminating body toxins and waste through urine.
Removes Excess Bilirubin
  • It removes excess bilirubin if eaten during jaundice and helps to keep its production under level.
Reduces RBCs Destruction
  • It prevents the red blood cells from unnecessary destruction as well as enhances the fresh oxygen supply to the blood for better transport all over the body.
Facilitates Digestion
  • Radish is considered as having more roughage and fibers which helps in facilitating digestion, treating constipation, diarrhea and water retention that’s why it is greatly used to treat piles and its symptoms.
Treats Urinary Disorders
  • As it is a very good diuretic (increases urine production), it is used to treat the urinary disorders.
Reduces Burning Sensation
  • It reduces the inflammation and burning sensation while passing urine.
Removes Body Toxins
  • It prevents the kidneys and urinary system from infection and other disorders by removing excess toxins from the body.
Reduces Risk of Heart Diseases
  • It is considered as having good source of the anthocyanins (flavonoids, responsible for its color) which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
Reduces Inflammation
  • It has anti-inflammatory property which reduces the inflammation during any infection.
Treats Cancer
  • It is good detoxifier having high level of vitamin C, folic acid and flavonoids which are very helpful in treating various types of cancer (intestinal, colon, stomach, kidney and oral cancer).
Inhibits Cancerous Cells Production
  • It is packed with the antioxidants and isthiocyanates which can cause cancer cell death, inhibit its production and enhance their elimination from body.
Prevents from Hypertension
  • As it is good source of potassium, it helps in maintaining the blood pressure under control. It also reduces the blood pressure in the person with hypertension as it relaxes the blood vessels and maintains the blood flow.
Regularizes Bile Production
  • It assists in the good digestion as it maintains the bile production and protects liver and gallbladder.
Treats Insect Bites
  • As it has anti-pruritic property, it is very effective in treating insect bites and bee stings. It lessens the pain and swelling from the bite area as well as soothes the affected area.
Prevents Body from Dehydration
  • It high water content helps in maintaining the body moisture level and preventing from the dehydration.
Relieves Sore Throat
  • It also helps in relieving the respiratory problems and sore throat by relieving congestion and clearing sinuses.
Boosts Immune System
  • Its high vitamin C content boosts the immune system health if eaten regularly. It prevents from the common infections like cold and cough.
Strengthens Blood Vessels
  • It also contributes in the creation of collagen which strengthens the blood vessels and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and thus heart diseases.
Cures Fever
  • It lowers the body temperature during fever and relieves the body inflammation.
Relieves Inflammation
  • It has anti-congestive property which helps to relieve from disorders like bronchitis, asthma, irritation of nose and throat, allergies and etc.
Regulates Metabolism
  • It is a good appetizer, laxative and metabolism regulator. It helps in treating headaches, acidity, nausea, obesity, whooping cough, gastric problems, gall stones and heartburn.
Prevents from Ageing
  • Its high vitamin C also prevents the body from the harmful free radicals, cancers, inflammation and early ageing.
Provides Cooling Effect during Summer
  • Radishes are the natural food having cooling effect on the body which decreases down the excess body heat during summer season.
Benefits of Black Radish
  • It is mostly preferred variety of the radish for the treatment of jaundice. Its leaves are also chewed or eaten as vegetable by cooking it for treating jaundice.
Benefits of Red Radish
Loaded with Healthy Nutrients
  • Red radish is loaded with the healthy nutrients like vitamin E, A, C, B6, K, antioxidants, fiber, zinc, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, calcium, iron and manganese which have their own health benefits.
Energizes Body
  • Its carbohydrate and protein contents help in keeping the body energized all time and take out fatigue and body aches as it has anti-inflammatory property.
Provides Relief from Sinus Problems
  • It works as a natural decongestant and has an antibacterial and antiviral property which helps in relieving the sinus problems. Eating red radishes salad by mixing with olive oil, black pepper, salt and garlic opens up closed sinuses and relieves pressure in head.
Treats Constipation and Hemorrhoid
  • It natural laxative effect provides relief from the constipation and hemorrhoid.
Prevents from many Problems
  • It prevents from various problems such as cancer, asthma, eczema, arthritis and skin problems like dryness, acne, itchiness, bug bites and etc.
Keeps Kidney Healthy
  • It keeps the kidneys healthy and well functioning.

Benefits of Radish Leaves

Loaded with Vitamins and Minerals
  • Radish leaves contains more vitamins and minerals that’s why they should not be discarded but used as vegetable.
Relieves Constipation
  • Radish leaves vegetable contains high dietary fibers and less fat thus helps in digestive system making healthy and reliefs from constipation.
Removes Weakness
  • Eating its vegetable on regular basis helps in enhancing the hemoglobin level and fighting with tiredness and fatigue.
Dissolves Stones
  • Drinking juice of the radish leaves helps in dissolving the stone in bladder and making urine passage easy.
Treats Piles
  • Taking muli leaves powder (dried in shadow) with equal amount of sugar or eating muli leaves vegetables helps in treating piles.

Benefits of Radish Seeds

Treats Leucoderma
  • The detoxifying and anti carcinogenic properties of the radish seed make it best for the treatment of Leucoderma. Applying the powdered radish seeds soaked in the vinegar (also ginger juice or cows urine) on the white patches assists in treating Leucoderma.
Removes Bladder or Kidney Stones
  • Eating muli seeds three to four times a day helps in removing bladder or kidney stones.
Regulates Menstrual Cycle
  • It also helps in treating irregularity of the menstrual cycle among women.

Benefits of Radish Juice

Fights with Infections
  • Drinking its juice with black salt helps to fight with infections because of its good disinfecting property.
Nourishes Body
  • It contains all the vitamins and minerals required to nourish the body health.
Benefits of Radish Juice for Skin
Treating various Skin Problems
  • It helps in treating various skin problems such as leucoderma. It is beneficial in both ways whether it is applied directly or eaten.
Makes Skin Healthy and Glowing
  • It has good level of vitamin C, zinc, phosphorus and B group vitamins; it helps in making the skin healthy, supple, glowing and soft.
Hydrates Body
  • Its high water level maintains the normal moisture level of the skin.
Good Cleanser
  • Crushed radish is also used as a good cleanser and face pack.
Prevents from Skin Disorders
  • It has disinfectant property which keeps the skin away from the skin disorders such as skin dryness, rashes, acne, pimple and cracks.
Repair Damaged Cells and Improves Cells Production
  • The vitamins A and K are also present in radish which prevents the skin from various disorders. Regular consumption of it helps in better cell production and repair.
Keeps Skin, Hair and Nails
  • Iron availability in it helps in blood formation and maintains the health of skin, hair and nails. Consumption of iron rich food on a daily basis gives improves general appearances.
Benefits of Radish Juice for Hair
Prevents Hair Loss
  • If eaten regularly, it helps in fighting with the hair loss problems as well as stimulates the hair growth and strengthens hair roots and follicles.
Removes Dandruff
  • It helps to get rid from the dandruff problems whether it is eaten or applied directly on the scalp. Rubbing the radish juice on the scalp helps in removing dandruff.
Makes Hair Shiny and Strong
  • Eating or drinking its juice makes the hair shiny and strong.
  • Its iron content makes the hair healthy and long.
Makes Hair Smooth
  • Its high water content maintains the smoothness and hydration level of the hair.
Benefits of Radish in Weight Loss
Low Calorie Food
  • It makes the stomach feeling full by satisfying the hunger without adding calorie count. It has very low carbohydrates, high level of fibers, low glycemic index and lot of water.
Regulating Bowel Movements
  • It aids a lot in the weight loss strategy by regulating the bowel movements and increasing the metabolism process.
Benefits of Radish in Diabetes
Maintains Blood Sugar Level
  • As it is a vegetable crop having low glycemic index, it does not increase the blood sugar level. It regulates the sugar absorption into the bloodstream thereby maintains the blood sugar level among diabetics.
Benefits of Radish in Pregnancy
Nourishes Mother and Baby
  • It has folates and iron which helps during pregnancy to maintain the red blood cells count and prevents the infant from various birth defects.
Regulates Vitals in Mother
  • It regulates the blood sugar levels and blood pressure during pregnancy.

Nutritional Benefits of Radish/Muli per 100 g

(Source: USDA Nutrient Database)
Energy: 16 Kcal
Carbohydrate: 3.40 g
Protein: 0.68 g
Fat: 0.10 g
Dietary Fiber: 1.6 g
Sugar: 1.86 g
Thiamine: 0.012 mg
Pantothenic acid: 0.165 mg
Folates: 25 µg
Niacin: 0.254 mg
Pyridoxine: 0.071 mg
Riboflavin: 0.039 mg
Vitamin A: 7 IU
Vitamin C: 14.8 mg
Vitamin K: 1.3 µg
Sodium: 39 mg
Potassium: 233 mg
Calcium: 25 mg
Copper: 0.050 mg
Iron: 0.34 mg
Magnesium: 10 mg
Manganese: 0.069 mg
Phosphorus: 20 mg
Fluoride: 6 µg
Zinc: 0.28 mg
Carotene-ß: 4 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin: 10 µg
Selection and Storage of Radish
Always select fresh, medium-sized, heavy and firm radish with proper root and green leaves. Avoid buying radish having cracked skin or cuts or bruised. Wash them thoroughly under tap water to remove dust and soil. Store it with its leaves which help it in storing for many days. It can also be stored in plastic bags in the refrigerator up to a week.
How to Enjoy
Muli parantha, muli pickles and muli salad are some of the famous Indian dishes. Its leaves are cooked alone or in combination with spinach, turnip-greens, mustard leaves, bathua and etc to be used in soups, curries or vegetable recipes.
Disadvantages, Side Effects and Precautions of Radish
  • Radishes have a plant based compound called goitrogens can cause problems of the thyroid gland like swelling and etc. It is avoided by the people having thyroid dysfunction.
  • Eating radishes over the limit may cause digestive tract irritation.
  • It is avoided by the people suffering from the gallstones.
  • It is also avoided eating more during the pregnancy and breast-feeding.
  • Avoid eating boiled or raw radish while hungry.
How Much Radish to Eat a Day
It is difficult to limit the number of radish to eat a day as it depends on the age and health of the body. Eating radishes in high amount may cause various problems if the person is suffering from some disease or ill health. However, generally it is good to eat by everyone as it has low sodium, low sugar, no cholesterol, high potassium, calcium, iron, vitamins and fibers.

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