Monday 7 December 2015

9 reasons sprouts are good for your health

Sprouts are the most inexpensive and healthy source of a wide range of healthy nutrients like proteins, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre. The amazing fact about sprouts is that they are low in carbohydrates and calories and high in water content as compared to dry beans and legumes. Here are the top nine reasons that make sprouts a storehouse of nutrients and a great way to boost your healthy diet plan:

High protein content
Plant proteins are regarded to be of high-quality as they are loaded with various essential amino acids – the building blocks of the body. These amino acids play a vital role in various body functions such as cell renewal, the healing of cuts and wounds, immunity and proper liver function. During the sprouting process, complex carbohydrates are broken down into easy-to-digest protein molecules, which in turn aid in the proper digestion and assimilation of the sprouts.
Good source of vitamin C
Sprouts are loaded with vitamin C even though grains and legumes do not contain this vitamin. Chemically termed as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights against harmful oxygen-free radicals within the body which helps to reduce the risk of various infections.
Low gas content
We all know that beans and legumes increase the production of intestinal gas which causes flatulence and belching. Oligosaccharides (a type of carbohydrates) are the main cause for bloating and gas and since the process of sprouting drastically reduces the quantity of this carbohydrate, it lowers the health problems and discomfort associated with excess gas formation.
Good source of iron
Alfalfa, moong, lentil and fenugreek sprouts are rich in iron, which is essential for red blood cell production and the transport of oxygen to every cell in the body. With the regular consumption of these sprouts, especially in the case of women, one can prevent iron-deficiency and the health complications associated with it.
High fibre content
Sprouts are rich in dietary fibre and water content which makes them a perfect natural aid to relieve constipation and maintain a healthy digestive system. The presence of high amounts of fibre in sprouts not only makes you feel satiated and prevents over-eating but it also helps in weight loss.
Good source of various enzymes
As soon as the process of sprouting begins, a wide range of enzymes are activated which play a vital role in the conversion of dry seeds into easy-to-digest foods. This is why sprouts are loaded with myriad essential enzymes which help in the optimal functioning of the body.
High levels of Vitamin K
Alfalfa sprouts contain high levels of vitamin K, which plays key role in the process of blood clotting. This vitamin is of great importance during pregnancy as it helps in the prevention of miscarriages and hemorrhages.
Great source of vitamin E
Sprouts are one of the best sources of vitamin E, which functions as a powerful antioxidant, preventing health essential nutrients from being destroyed. This vitamin exerts a protective effect on the heart and also plays an active role in the fertility process.
High potassium content
As compared to fruits and vegetables, sprouts are loaded with high levels of potassium. This mineral helps in the maintenance of proper body weight, smooth and healthy skin and it maintains the electrolyte balance in the body.

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