Monday 7 December 2015

7 sex tips for people with breathing problems

People with breathing problems can surely enjoy sex if they take the necessary measures. The British Lung Foundation (BLF) has come up with tips for those having breathing problems to help them boost their sex lives.
Dr Noemi Eiser, the BLF’s medical director, said people suffering from lung conditions did not have to ‘compromise on intimacy. It is important that you talk to your partner about any worries and are open-minded and understanding. Creating a comfortable and trusting environment will prevent stress and shortness of breath,’ The Telegraph quoted her as saying.
The leaflet Sex and Breathlessness recommended the following sex tips for people with breathing problems. 
1. Have sex when you feel rested
Have sex when you feel rested and your breathing is at its best. Adequate rest will also take care of any stress you might be having because of your day to day life and that is always good for your sex life. 
2. Forcefully cough before sex
If at all you are going to cough, it is better to do it beforehand. Cough up some phlegm before indulging in sex and it’ll make your chest feel much lighter during the activity.  
3. Don’t have sex in the morning
Try and avoid having sex in the morning as that is the time you will be very like to produce more phlegm. If at all you feel extremely aroused in the morning, indulge in masturbation or foreplay to release tension.
4. Don’t have sex after a heavy meal or too much alcohol
Having sex right after a heavy meal or too much alcohol is a bad idea for anyone with breathing problems. Your stomach might feel bloated and your breathing will be weaker than normal. You don’t have to have sex all day, so making a fixed time for sex when you are completely relaxed should be a good idea.  
5. Take breaks during intercourse
In case you feel that you’re extremely short of breath during intercourse, just pause and take a few deep breaths to regain composure. You can resume having sex once you feel comfortable again. 
6. Try positions that exert little pressure on the chest
The typical missionary position may exert too much pressure on the chest. You could instead try positions like spooning.
7. Try home remedies
Besides taking these measures, it’ll also be a good idea to address your problems. You could try home remedies like mint leaves or pudina to reduce cough and asthma. Besides these, avoiding triggers for asthmatic attacks and eating foods that build your immunity will also help. 

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