Monday 7 December 2015

7 reasons why you need to eat tamarind

Tamarind, known as imli in hindi is a sweet and tangy fruit that is commonly found in most South-Asian kitchens. It is normally used as a flavoring agent in beverages and for preparation of chutneys and curries. Rich in various healthy essential nutrients like dietary fiber, volatile compounds, minerals and vitamins; tamarind is good for overall health. Here are the top 7 reasons why you should include this fruit-condiment in your food –
Good for digestion

Tamarind is used in many traditional medicines as a laxative and as a natural remedy to treat intestinal worms in children. It is also used to prevent common digestive disorders like acid reflux disease and bile disorders. The pulp of tamarind is a rich source of dietary fiber that helps in preventing
 constipation by increasing the bulk and augmenting bowel movements. The outer red covering of its seed is found to be effective in treating dysentery and diarrhea. Read more about how you can try yoga poses to improve digestion.    
Prevents from colon cancer
Tartaric acid present in tamarind acts as a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from harmful free radicals. The fibre present in this fruit is found to protect the mucal membrane of the colon from the attack of cancer-causing chemicals by binding with the toxins. Read about 10 simple lifestyle changes to prevent cancer.
Controls blood pressure
Potassium present in this tangy fruit helps to control blood pressureand heart rate by maintaining the normal fluid balance in the body. Tamarind contains iron which plays a key role in normal production and the development of red blood cells. Read about 10 fruits and vegetables that are good for people with hypertension.
Balances blood cholesterol
The pulp of tamarind is found to be effective in reducing high bloodcholesterol levels and protects the body from a host of heart diseases. Include this fruit in your food everyday to improve your heart health and prevent cardiac complications. Read more aboutnatural foods to reduce cholesterol.
Improves eye health
This fruit is loaded with vitamin A which is essential for normal vision and also lowers the risk of age-related macular degeneration. Tamarind also contains a chemical that functions much like mucin (protects and moisturizes the cornea) for protection and treatment against dry eyes. Read about expert tips to keep your eyes healthy.
Protects you from infection
Tamarind is found to protect against a wide range of infections that include scurvy, common cold and fluorosis. This fruit not only strengthens the defense mechanism but also acts as an excellent remedy to treat fever. Read about 5 amazing tips to improve your immunity.
Good for healthy skin
Tamarind is rich in antioxidants that fight against the harmful free radicals that damage the skin and result in facial lines. It is also used to treat minor burns along with helping the skin to recover quickly from skin-related infections. Read more about 9 food items for healthy skin.

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