Monday 7 December 2015

7 reasons to start eating spirulina from today

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is known for its unique and delicious taste. Loaded with a myriad range of healthy nutrients like manganese, iron, B complex vitamins, beta-carotene, essential fatty acid and proteins, spirulina helps to successfully teat and prevent various health complications. Here are 7 reasons why you should start eating spirulina –
It protects from cancer

Spirulina is packed with many healthy nutrients which play a key role in prevention against
cancer as well as in treatment of precancerous mouth lesions. It acts as a powerful antioxidant agent eliminating the harmful free radicals from the body which increases your risk of cancer. Also phenolic compounds are present in this food which exerts inhibitory action on carcinogenesis and mutagenesis. Read about Top 10 food habits to prevent cancer
It improves liver function
The presence of various nutrients as well as high amounts of fibre and proteins in spirulina makes it a potential food source to keep your liver healthy. In addition to enhancing normal functioning of the liver, it protects the liver from damage and cirrhosis in patients with chronic hepatitis. Read about tips to prevent liver disease.
It is used as protein supplement
Being a rich source of proteins (amino acids constitute around 62%) and other healthy nutrients, spirulina is undoubtedly one of the best nutritional supplements available naturally. It forms a healthy food for people undergoing fitness training, gymming and those planning to increase their muscle weight.
It relieves from allergic rhinitis
Many clinical studies have proved that spirulina exhibits protective action against allergic rhinitis which is due to its anti-inflammatory property. This blue-green algae help in combating allergy symptoms by inhibiting the release of histamines, substances that are responsible for allergic reactions. Read about preventive measures for allergic rhinitis.
It boosts immunity
Most people are unaware of the immune-boosting powers of spirulina. Several studies have suggested that consumption of this food increases the production of immune cells which in turn aid in fighting against infections. Read about tips to boost immunity
It helps in treating viral infection
Spirulina is packed with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents which act as a supportive therapeutic approach in treatment of viral infection. It eases the inflammation caused during viral attack by lowering oxidative stress and eliminating harmful free radicals from the body.

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