Friday 6 May 2016

Bitter gourd health and beauty benefits

Bitter gourd health and beauty benefits
Bitter gourd is called karela in Hindi. It gives several benefits to enhance beauty and improve the health of a person… Bitter gourd juice can provide a beautiful, glowing, problem free skin and promotes the overall health of the body.

Healthy benefits of  bitter gourd

Healthy heart

Top health benefits of bitter gourd juice
Bitter gourds reduces the bad cholesterol in the body and lower the chance of getting heart diseases. It keeps the blood pressure levels to good scale and maintains our heart healthy.

Bitter gourd juice for liver health

Blend the bitter gourds with water and squeeze it to separate the juice from it, drink the juice in a regular manner to cure liver problems.

Weight loss

The antioxidants present in the bitter gourd flush the system and regulates the metabolism rate by which it helps for the weight reduction. It controls the calories levels in a simple manner.

Fight infections

Boil the leaves of bitter melon and consume it on regular basis for the immune system effective results and also to cure infections.

Kidney care

Bitter melon poises the healthy bladder and liver. It also cures the stones in the kidney.


Bitter gourd is known for its ability to cure diabetes and is recommended for people suffering from liver disorders.  It contains minimum amount of glucose and sugar contents and so is effectively used in treating diabetes.

Reducing stress

Medical benefits of bitter gourd
The anti-bilious and sedative properties of bitter gourd juice help in improving the inner health of the body which is turn helps to reduce stress.

Reduces blood pressure

Regular consumption of bitter gourd juice helps in reducing blood pressure naturally.


Bitter gourd if found to be a good agent to cure asthma. It helps in getting rid of the accumulated sputum in the respiratory tract which also helps in curing chronic cough and breathing problems.

Other benefits of the bitter gourd juice

include the reducing of inflammation in the liver and kidneys. It can be used for treating diarrhoea and giving relief from constipation .It is also beneficial in the treatment urinary tract infections.

Beauty benefits of bitter gourd


Bitter melon will give good treatment for the zits and the acne problems. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of bitter melon fights the acne causing agents.
Bitter melon is helpful in treating itching, blood boils, scabies, ring-worm, psoriasis and other fungal diseases. It also fight with the free radicals which are the causers of aging.

Wrinkle treatment

How to use bitter gourd for hair care
The serum present in the bitter gourd also helps to cure the wrinkles and fine lines.

Bitter gourd juice for face

Bitter gourd functions great for any kind of skin texture, extract the juice and apply it to the face for the benefits of healthy skin.

Reduces heat rashes

To reduces the rashes formed due to heat and direct sun light, take a bitter gourd bath. Extract the juice from the blended bitter gourds and pour two spoons of the juice in water. Repeat it for at least ten days for the natural results.

For the skin

Bitter gourd has many benefits and uses to achieve a glowing and perfect skin.  Regular consumption of bitter gourd juice aids the skin of blemishes and provides a healthy glowing appearance to the skin. It is effective in flushing out the toxins from the body .Bitter gourd is rich in Vitamin C which is an active antioxidant  that prevents the cells from damaging and  helps in increasing the production of collagen. The zinc content in bitter gourd aids in the healthy functioning of cells and in maintenance of proper regulation of the hormones in the body. The antioxidant properties of bitter gourd helps in the reduction of oil production, and also keeps the skin fresh and smooth.

Helps in weight loss

Best benefits of Karela juice for hair care
Consumption of bitter gourd juice daily in the morning on empty stomach helps in curbing the appetite. It also helps in rapid metabolism of carbohydrates which can lead to effective weight loss. The unwanted elements from the body are removed in a natural way as the bitter gourd helps in detoxifying the body.

Good for health hair

Premature greying and loss of hair can be prevented by consuming bitter gourd juice daily. A mixture of bitter gourd and amla juice when applied on the hair and scalp helps to get rid of dandruff.

Removal of pimples

Bitter gourd juice helps to get rid of pimple and acne as it promotes the inner health of the body and so there are less chances of breakouts on the skin. Bitter gourd is a perfect blood purifier which helps to reduce the appearance of acne from face.

A good cooling agent

The high water content in bitter gourd provides a cooling effect to the whole body. It also helps to keep the stomach cool and helps in reducing the heat the excess heat in the body.

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