Thursday 22 October 2015

24 Amazing Benefits Of Cinnamon For Skin, Hair And Health

Cinnamon or dalchini is a spice obtained from the inner bark of the tree genus ‘Cinnamomum’ whose bark is known for the healing essential oils generated. The spice has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to cure main ailments like cancer, flu and indigestion. The fragrant spice contains fiber, manganese, calcium and iron and is commonly used in many food dishes. What not too many people know is that this fragrant spice also possesses properties to cure many skin, health and hair problems.

Skin Benefits of Cinnamon:

Cinnamon contains anti – microbial properties that can benefit the skin. Find out more about how this humble spice can help purify and clear your skin without the need of expensive spa and salon treatments.

1. Cures Acne, Pimples and Blemishes:

Cinnamon helps get rid of acne and pimples on the face and body. This is done by drying the skin and bringing blood and oxygen to the outer skin surface. A simple to make recipe includes mixing 3 tbsp. honey with 1 tbsp cinnamon. Apply the paste on the affected areas and leave it overnight. Alternatively, leave it on for 20 minutes before washing with water. Repeat next week.

2. Soothes Dry Skin:

Cinnamon helps remove dead skin cells, and help restore shine and suppleness to the skin. Make a scrub by combining sea salt, almond oil, olive oil, honey and cinnamon to fight skin dryness.

3. Complexion Enhancer:

Thanks to the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, cinnamon helps enhance the complexion. Puree a small banana, plain yoghurt, ground cinnamon and lemon juice and mix them in a smooth paste. Apply to a clean face and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing with lukewarm water. Relieve Eczema: Make a mixture of 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Apply a thin layer of the paste on the affected areas. For best results, continue the remedy for a week.

4. Alleviates Fine Lines:

Cinnamon improves blood flow and brings the oxygen and blood to the outer surface of the skin and this causes minor plumping and a fuller complexion. Prepare the remedy by mixing a couple of drops of cinnamon essential oil and petroleum jelly and apply it all over the face, avoiding the eye area.

5. Prevents Skin Infections and Cures Cuts and Wounds:

For any kind of skin infection, make a paste of honey and cinnamon powder in equal proportions and apply it to the affected area. Cinnamon is also known to cure ringworms. Moreover, to cure cuts and wounds, simply dust some cinnamon powder to kill germs and heal it quickly.

6. Treats Rough Feet:

Cinnamon can soften rough and dry skin due to its rich anti-oxidant properties. Prepare a footbath by mixing the juice of five lemons, a tablespoon of olive oil, quarter-cup whole milk, half-cup water and 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon. Soak the feet in this bath for 15 minutes for soft and smooth feet.

Hair Benefits of Cinnamon:

Since ancient days, cinnamon has been a valued spice for making hair strong and beautiful. Cinnamon ensures enhanced blood circulation in the body, which ensures hair roots and scalp to get the required nutrition, and oxygen, which leads to strong, beautiful and healthy hair.

7. Stimulates Hair Growth:

Your hair will love the combination of honey and cinnamon. Use the hair mask once every week for best results. Combine a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of olive oil and an egg. Apply the mask to the hair and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing it off thoroughly with a mild shampoo.

8. Scalp Cleanser:

Cinnamon nourishes the scalp by acting like an exfoliate. A teaspoon of ground cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of honey and quarter cup warm olive oil when mixed together and massaged into the scalp will stimulate the cleaning. Leave the mixture on the hair for 20 minutes before washing with a normal shampoo.

9. Lightens Hair Color:

If required, cinnamon can lighten the hair color. Mix equal proportions of your conditioner and cinnamon powder. Cover the entire length of the hair with the mixture. Apply the mixture evenly to avoid streaking. Brush the hair, remove all tangles and cover it with a shower cap. Leave the mixture overnight and wash the hair in the morning.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon:

Cinnamon possesses anti-microbial properties that help prevent many health disorders. The potent spice can take your health to the next level. Try incorporating the spice in your daily diet and beauty regime to reap the wonderful cinnamon benefits.

10. Reduces Cholesterol:

Consumption of one-quarter teaspoon of cinnamon daily has been scientifically proven to reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

11. Pain Reliever:

Cinnamon is commonly used to treat pain as it reacts with prostaglandin that contributes to contraction and relaxation of muscle tissues.

12. Cures Cold:

Cinnamon is a warming herb used to cure cold and the common flu. Cinnamon when added to ginger tea is an excellent cold reliever. Another remedy includes adding quarter-teaspoon if cinnamon powder to a tablespoon of honey. Consume the mixture twice a day for 3 days for best results.

13. Prevents Arthritis:

Arthritis causes pain and swelling of the joints and cinnamon helps alleviating the symptoms. In a hot cup of water, add two spoons of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Drink the mixture twice a day to alleviate arthritic pain.

14. Aids Digestion:

Cinnamon helps break down fats and thus aids digestion. Moreover, a combination of honey and cinnamon also helps cure stomach ulcers and relieve gas.

15. Heart Health:

Mix cinnamon powder and honey and make a thick spread. Replace your regular jam with this and consume it daily. This will reduce the risk of heart attacks.

16. Promotes Weight Loss:

Cinnamon benefits in reducing insulin resistance and triples the insulin’s capacity to metabolize blood sugar. This spice thus helps reduce hunger and sugar cravings, resulting in weight loss.

17. Menstrual Aid:

Consumption of cinnamon tea helps women who experience heavy menstrual bleeding.

18. Prevents Cancer:

Cinnamon contains anti-cancer properties. Make a mixture of honey and cinnamon powder in water. Drink the concoction 2 times a day for 3 months to cure bone and stomach cancers.

19. Increases Longevity:

Cinnamon is known to enhance life span. A combination of 4 teaspoons honey, 1-teaspoon cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water when brewed and drunk 3-4 times day increases longevity.

20. Diabetes Treatment:

A quarter teaspoon cinnamon when consumed over a period of 2 months will help reduce blood sugar levels by 30 per cent.

21. Treats Infertility:

Cinnamon contains a nutrient called cinnamaldehyde, which is known to increase the progesterone level and decrease testosterone levels in women. The hormonal balance reduces the chances of infertility in women.

22. Prevents Neurodegenerative Diseases:

Cinnamon helps reduce chronic inflammation that is associated with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.

23. Boosts Brain Functioning:

Smelling cinnamon regularly helps boost the cognitive ability and memory of the brain.

24. Breath Freshener:

Cinnamon helps combat bad breath. Chewing on few cinnamon sticks or gargling with warm cinnamon water helps to get rid of bad breath effectively.
Has this convinced you to add cinnamon to your weekly beauty regimen and diet? Do try to and leave us a comment below to know if cinnamon helped you.

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