Friday 11 December 2015

Health Benefits of Milk Products


This article would help you all about the real facts of “Why milk and milk products are must to have by everyone on daily basis”.

Milk and milk products are considered as the most essential and healthy diet for the good health of the people. It is must to have some milk and milk products on daily basis by everyone to get their proper nutrition and to be prevented from lots of health issues. Milk products have multiple health benefits which makes body resistant to many diseases.
Points identifying the answer of above question are mentioned below:
  • Milk and milk products have all the essential body nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, iron, folates and etc which are required by the body for better growth and development of any age group people.
  • They have omega-3 fatty acids which provide healthy fat to the body for good health.
  • Vitamin D found in it provides healthy bone, teeth, nails and hair and enhances immunity to be protected from many diseases including cancer.
  • Dairy products reduce the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis by improving the bone health.
  • It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, type-2 diabetes, hypertension and kidney problems.
  • Milk and milk products are the good source of all the vitamins which are the key nutrients for the normal body growth.
  • They are the good source of calcium and protein which are required for the healthy bone and muscles.
  • It contains high level vitamin D which enhances calcium absorption in the body and bone density.
  • It helps in managing the body weight and maintains the proper body growth by delaying the early ageing.
  • It is good source of a special type of protein called casein which protects tooth enamel surface from getting lost due to the exposure to mouth acids.
  • Regular intake of them reduces the side effects of carcinogenic foods and other hard medications.
  • It prevents from the common seasonal infections to children by enhancing their body immunity level.
  • It reduces the risk of colorectal, breast, prostate and other cancers in the body if consumed on regular basis.
  • It makes the skin glowing, hydrated, rejuvenate, soft and supple by reducing the effects on age related wrinkles on the skin.
  • It also prevents skin from many skin problems such dryness, itchiness, acne and etc.
  • It provides relief from the stress by reducing the stress level, relaxing tensed muscles and soothing the tired nerves.
  • It helps in reducing the PMS symptoms by boosting the energy level and enhancing blood supply to the whole body.
  • It lowers down the high blood pressure by reducing the production of cholesterol through liver.
  • It is good for maintaining the proper eyesight throughout the life.
  • It helps to fight with insulin resistance syndrome among people with obese, high cholesterol, hypertension, impaired glucose metabolism and etc.
  • It reduces the risk of ovarian malignancy among girls and women by maintain their calcium level in the body.
  • It is the good source of vitamin B12 and folic acid which helps in maintaining the number of red blood cells in the blood.

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