Friday 11 December 2015

Common Health Issues in Getting Pregnant and Ways to Deal with It

Common Health Issues in Getting Pregnant and Ways to Deal with It

Common Health Issues in Getting Pregnant
Now a days, most of the couple are suffering from the problems of non-fertility or women not getting pregnant because of the common health issues in women or men. Couples, whether they are newly married or getting old (above 35) for getting baby, suffer some natural problems, unhealthy diet induced problems, heavy medication complications, environmental problems, accidental deformity, genetic problems and many other causes of non-fertility. Fertility related health issues in both partner is horrible however it is enough for the couple to have lack of baby in their life if only one partner is affects with such problems.
Couples should be conscious about their health and they must see doctor if female partner is not conceiving even after having a regular, unprotected and happy sex life for more than a year or six months if they are over 35. Some of the infertility problems have proper treatment however some not. Couples suffering from infertility problems must consult their genetic counsellor to know whether they suffer from inheritable health issues which affect their fertility level. Below I have mentioned some points under some logical headings which let you have the clear idea about the common health issues in getting pregnant due to the fertility problems in women or men:


Some of the common health issues related to infertility among women are discussed below:
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is a medical condition caused due to the hormone disorder which affects the ovaries ability to release matured eggs into the fallopian tubes. However it is fully curable by contacting to the gynaecologist and nutritionist as well as maintaining proper and healthy diet plan.
  • Irregular Menstruation: irregular menstruation means a woman has missed period, heavy bleeding, less bleeding, fluctuating dates and days of periods, etc may affect the fertility level and pregnancy.
  • Premature Ovarian Failure: Premature Ovarian Failure or POF is another medical condition in which woman’s ovaries stop functioning before the age of 40. It shows common symptoms of irregular periods, vaginal dryness, mood swing, hot flashes, irritability and etc.
  • Anovulation: Anovulation is the medical condition in which woman’s ovary stops releasing egg. However this condition has proper cure using ovulation induction medications.
  • Uterine Fibroid: Uterine fibroids are the indications of benign tumour in the uterus causing abnormal bleeding and infertility. It can be removed surgically however depends on the size and location.
  • Premature Menopause: premature menopause, means lack of periods before the age of 40, is another genetic medical condition causing infertility. In such condition there is little chance of getting with own eggs however getting pregnant with egg donation is possible.
  • Low Ovarian Reserve: It is the medical condition in which ovary releases less number of eggs with poor quality thus the chances of getting pregnant reduces.
  • If woman is suffering from sexually transmitted diseases including Chlamydia, gonorrhoea or other problems like ovarian cyst, pelvic inflammatory disease, past history of ectopic pregnancy and etc then the chances of infertility increases in the past.
  • Past history of three or more miscarriages and anti-inflammatory and antidepressant medications also impair fertility level.
  • Endometriosis: Endometriosis is the condition in which uterus inner lining tissues enters to other body organs means abdomen or fallopian tubes causes pain, inflammation, internal bleeding which feels woman that she suffers irregular menstrual cycle.
  • Overweight woman having BMI more than 29 or too much underweight having BMI less than 19 may also get problem in getting pregnant.
  • Fallopian Tube Damage: Fallopian tube damage can be complete or partial or it can be blocked naturally. It can be corrected through the tubal reconstructive surgery.
  • Sometimes excessive exercise and environmental toxins also contributes to the fertility level.
  • Some other cases like primary ovary insufficiency, failure to ovulate, structural issues in reproductive system, infections, implantation failure, autoimmune disorders and etc may lead to the problems in getting pregnant.
  • Tobacco use by the woman for long term may also interfere with the ovulation and can cause pregnancy problem.
  • Implantation failure, genetic defects, embryonic defects, autoimmune disorders (rheumatoid arthritis, past history of asthmatic pregnancy and other cases may lead to the problems in getting pregnant.


Men health issues are equally involved like women in not getting pregnant, some of which are mentioned below:
  • Sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Erectile disfunctioning and sperm ejaculation problem.
  • They got infected with mumps after puberty.
  • Cancer, tumour or cyst development in the testicles.
  • Injured or undescended testicles or any type of surgery performed in the groin area.
  • Some heavy medications like antihistamines, beta blockers and etc may interfere with the fertility level.
  • Long illness of diabetes, heart disorders and thyroid problem.
  • Some genetic medical conditions like Klinefelter’s or Down syndrome also affect fertility among men.
  • Men working in close contact with poisonous chemicals, pesticides, lead or harmful radiations.
  • Overweight or underweight men having BMI more than 29 or less than 18 may have low fertility level.
  • Men with absence of sperm, low quality sperm count, poor motility, blockage of sperm duct, taking sperm antibodies, impotence, sex hormone problems, varicocele (means too large testicles) and etc lead to infertility.
Excessive Smoking, Drinking and Drugs
If both of the partners have past and present history of heavy smoking, drinking and drugs intake may suffer infertility. Some of are mentioned below:
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol or caffeinated drinks before or during pregnancy may cause serious risks for pregnancy.
  • If taken during pregnancy causes miscarriage and stillbirth and before pregnancy by any partner causes infertility or defects in baby due to low quality sperm or ova.
  • Caffeinated drinks may cause birth defects or risk of low birth weight.
  • Illegal drugs intake like amphetamines, heroin, cocaine and etc may cause low birth weight, birth defects, premature birth, still birth, growth retardation, behavioural problems, miscarriage, foetal distress, stillbirth and hepatitis.


There are many ways to deal with all the above discussed problems which help in improving the chance of becoming pregnant:
  • Planning by both partners before getting pregnant is good idea to have healthy pregnancy.
  • It is better to start healthy diet, physical exercises and following good life style to have healthy pregnancy.
  • Getting proper treatment of the infertility problems under authorized doctor, before getting pregnant.
  • Woman should go with proper care and treatment for their menstruation, ovulation and etc problems related to pregnancy and health.
  • Both of the partners must take off from bad life styles like alcohol drinking, smoking, drugs intake and lazy routine in order to get healthy sperm and ova.
  • Normal physical exercises should be started by both partners to maintain their weight and get free of overweight or underweight problems.
  • Exposure to the harmful chemicals, heavy metals and radiations should be avoided or reduced.
  • Meditation or yoga can be practiced in order to keep mind fresh, relaxed and stress free.
  • Try to get enough sleep for 6 to 8 hours daily during night.
  • Couple must discuss their past history, present history and genetic problems with their gynaecologist to get proper treatment if any of them suffer.
  • Try to get pregnant in healthy age period means before 35 years of age.
  • All the required tests before getting pregnant should be done to get confirmed about the condition.
  • Infertility problem is curable through medicines, surgical procedures, artificial insemination, assisted reproductive technologies and etc.

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