Thursday 10 December 2015

Health Benefits of Lemon (Nimbu)

About Lemon/Nimbu
The lemon or nimbu is a yellow and small fruit having a lot of health benefits. It was originated in Asia (Assam, the Northeast India) which has been used for years for various culinary and non-culinary purposes all over the world.
Lemon juice has approximately 5-6% of the citric acid which provides it sour taste. Actually it is a hybrid fruit of sour orange and citron. Now it is widely cultivated all over the world in enough amounts. It is the fruit containing highest amount of vitamin C which helps people in maintaining their good health and enhancing their beauty. It is loved by many people to take luke lemon water in the morning as their morning drink. Some of the health benefits of lemon have been mentioned below:


Good Source of Vitamin C
  • Lemon is a very good natural source of the vitamin C which helps in rejuvenating the skin by providing natural glow to the skin and removing wrinkles.
Fastens Wound Healing
  • It fastens the wound healing process due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties.
Relieves Infection
  • Its antiviral property provides relief from the viral problems like infection of nose and throat, cough, cold and etc.
Effective Against Hypertension
  • The mixture of garlic, onions and lemon is very effective against hypertension. Boil 3 crushed garlic cloves, 1 chopped onion with skimmed or low fat or soy milk. Add it with 3 fresh lemon juice and sip all through the day.
Maintains Blood Cholesterol
  • It helps in maintaining the blood cholesterol level because of its pectin power and other nutrients boosting the metabolism and circulation.
Enhances Stomach Acid Production
  • Nimbu enhances the stomach acid production as well as stimulates the stomach muscles, if taken (1 fresh lemon juice in lukewarm water) after every meal.
Maintains Colon Health
  • It has high level of pectin fibers which acts as a powerful antibacterial and helps in maintaining the colon health by killing bad intestinal worms.
Improves Digestion
  • It is a very good remedy which balances the body pH level as well as aids to the digestion by encouraging the bile production.
Prevents from Infections
  • It prevents from the infections by preventing the growth and multiplication of disease causing pathogenic bacteria.
Reduces Inflammation
  • Lemon also helps in dissolving the uric acid thus help to reduce the knee joint pain and inflammations.
Nourishes Brain and Nerve Cells
  • Its potassium content provides nourishment to the brain and nerve cells.
Dissolves Stones
  • It dissolves out the stones from the gall bladder and kidney including other calcium deposits from the body which harms the body health.
Maintains Eye Health
  • It helps in maintaining the eye health by easily fighting with eye problems.
Enhances Iron Absorption
  • It plays a great role in enhancing the iron absorption which strengthens the immune function of the body.
Fights with Cold and Flu
  • Its saponins content acts as an antimicrobial agent who fights with the cold and flu.
Fights Ageing
  • Vitamin C component of the lemon acts as good antioxidant which fights with the ageing by removing the wrinkles and damaging the free radicals.
Hydrates Body
  • Nimbu helps in hydrating the body Lymph System and replacing the lost body fluids.
Relieves Sun Burn
  • Its antiseptic property provides relief from sun burn and bee stings.
Treats Rheumatism and Arthritis
  • Its diuretic property helps in treating the rheumatism and arthritis by flushing out the bacteria and toxins from body.
Treats Scurvy
  • It helps in treating the scurvy (a disease caused due to lack of vitamin C) if taken 1 or 2 ounces lemon juice by mixing with water twice or thrice a day.
Remedy for Mountaineers
  • It has been proved a best remedy for the mountaineers as it helps during insufficient oxygen or difficulty in breathing.
Powerful Antibacterial Agent
  • Its powerful antibacterial property helps in destroying the bacteria causing diphtheria, cholera, typhoid, malaria and etc.
Treats Eye Disorders
  • It helps in treating the eye disorders like diabetic retinopathy because of the rutin content available in lemons.
Hinders Growth of Cancerous Cells
  • Lemon has around 22 anti-cancer compounds including limonene which helps in hindering the growth and division of cancer or tumor cells.

Benefits of Lemon for Weight Loss

Home Remedy to Lose Weight
  • Drinking lemon water in the early morning is provides better help in losing weight faster, thus it is a very good home remedy for weight loss.
  • Nimbu has digestive and liver cleanser properties which makes it good remedy for weight loss.
Flushes out Body Toxins
  • It flushes out all the body toxins and extra fat which makes it a good morning drink.
Prevents Overeating
  • It has soluble fibers which make the stomach feel fuller for long time which results in eating less and prevents from overeating.
Natural Diuretic
  • Lemon is a very good natural diuretic which helps in flushing out the excess body water weight through urine thus prevents from the bloating and puffiness and provides slimmer and fit look.

Benefits of Lemon Juice/Water

Improves Digestion
  • Drinking lemon juice water assists in the good digestion by eliminating body waste products very easily.
Relieves Digestive Problems
  • It provides relief from the constipation, diarrhea and other digestive problems by smoothing the bowel functions.
Fights with Infections
  • It is used in variety of ways because of its therapeutic, antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties.
Boosts Immunity
  • It has immune-boosting powers which enhances the immune functioning of the body thus protects from the various types of infections.
  • Because of its availability with citric acid, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, calcium, magnesium, pectin and limonene, it is a good immune booster and infection fighter.
Good Blood Purifier
  • Lemon juice is a very good blood purifier which protects the major organs of the body as well as enhances their functioning.
Keeps Heart Healthy
  • Its high potassium and low sodium content availability makes the heart healthy by keeping blood pressure under control.
Treats Various Health Problems
  • It provides relief from various health problems like heartburn, kidney problems or gall bladder problems.
Energizes Body
  • Drinking lemon juice water provides instant relief from the fatigue, dizziness, exhaustion, nervousness, anxiety and tension.
Relieves Chill and Fever
  • It is a good home remedy for providing relief from the chills and fevers of any causes. Drink 1 lemon juice by mixing it with a cup of hot water and honey every 2 hours till it relieves the problem.
Natural Detoxifier
  • Nimbu juice is a natural detoxifier which detoxifies the liver and enhances the kidney and liver functions.
Reduces Hair Fall
  • Applying paste of lemon juice and amla to the hair helps in reducing hair fall as well as dandruff problem.

Benefits of Lemon Juice on Face

Treats Acne
  • High citric acid availability in the lemon provides relief from the acne.
  • Applying fresh lemon juice to the acne area by cotton balls or fingers for whole night then wash in the morning provides better and sooner relief from the acne.
  • Applying fresh nimbu juice by mixing with rose water or honey to the affected areas for half an hour and two times a day also provides relief from the acne.
Makes Skin Fair
  • Vitamin C availability of the lemon makes the skin fair, blemishes free and glowing because of its alkaline nature which kills acne causing bacteria.
Brightens Skin Color
  • Applying paste of egg white and nimbu juice to the face and wash with luke warm water helps in brightening the color.

Benefits of Lemon Oil

Stimulates Brain Activity
  • Lemon oil enhances the concentration and alertness level to a great extent by stimulating the brain activity.
Natural Room Freshener
  • It is also used in the offices as a natural room freshener to enhance the employee’s efficiency.
Quickens Healing Process
  • It accelerates the healing process if applied on the callused area with cotton balls.
Relieves Eczema
  • Lemon oil also provides relief from the eczema if applied the mixture of 8 drops lemon oil, 1 cup lukewarm water and 1 tsf honey.
Insects Repellent
  • It is a good insect repellent. Spray the air with 20 drops lemon oil and 1 cup of water to repel the insects or keep the cotton balls in bedroom soaked with lemon oil.
Good Pain Reliever
  • It is a good pain reliever if massaged to the affected or inflamed area on daily basis with the mixture of lemon oil and jojoba oil.
Fights Varicose Vein Problem
  • It also has capacity to fight with varicose and spider veins. Massage the affected area of spider veins on daily basis with the mixture of lemon oil, jojoba oil and avocado or almond oil. Gently massage the affected area of varicose veins daily with the mixture of lemon oil, wheat germ oil, cypress and juniper oil from bottom to top towards heart.
Benefits of Lemon during Pregnancy
Build Strong Bones
  • Its high calcium level provides help in building strong bones among children if taken by the pregnant and lactating women.
Benefits of Lemon for Diabetes
Maintains Blood Sugar Level
  • Soluble fibers found in lemon helps in slowing down the absorption rate of glucose in the body as well as maintaining the blood sugar level to prevent from the Type 2 Diabetes.
Benefits of Lemon for Oral Health
Protects Teeth Enamel
  • It protects the teeth enamel if drinking, rubbing, chewing or rinsing mouth with lemon water half an hour before going to brush the teeth.
Refreshes Breath
  • Lemon refreshes the one’s breath just after using any spices, alcohol or cigarettes.
Relieves Toothache
  • It provides relief from the toothache by eliminating the pain and curing bleeding gums.
Makes Teeth White
  • Rub the mixture of lemon juice and baking soda in equal proportions to get white teeth.
Benefits of Lemon for Hair
Removes Dandruff
  • It is a good treatment for the dandruff, if apply lemon juice with coconut oil as a hair mask. It moisturizes the dry scalp and makes you free from dandruff.
Prevents Hair Loss
  • It provides natural shine to the hair and prevent from hair loss.

Benefits of Lemon Juice on Skin

Keeps Skin Young and Wrinkles Free
  • It is a good home remedy to make your face, hand or feet skin healthy, glowing, young and wrinkles free.
Enhances Skin Renewal
  • It has citric acid (vitamin C) which is a best exfoliant and removes out the dead skin cells as well as enhances the skin renewal.
Removes Dead Skin Cells
  • Soak your feet for 20 mins in the mixture of luke lemon juice water, olive oil and milk (1/4 cup) to remove out dead and cracked skin cells.
Softens Feet
  • Lemon and sugar scrub is also a good exfoliant for toes. Scrub the feet with the mixture of brown sugar, olive oil, few drops of lemon essential oil. It softens your feet amazingly in any season.

Benefits of Lemon Peel/Skin

Treats Brain Disorders
  • Lemon peels have powerful chemicals called phytonutrient tangeretin which aids a lot in treating one of the brain disorders, Parkinson’s disease.
Nutritional Benefits of Lemon/Nimbu per 100 g
(Source: USDA Nutrient Database)
Energy: 29 Kcal
Carbohydrate: 9.32 g
Sugar: 2.5 g
Protein: 1.10 g
Fat: 0.30 g
Fibers: 2.80 g
Thiamin: 0.040 mg
Riboflavin: 0.020 mg
Niacin: 0.100 mg
Pantothenic acid: 0.190 mg
Pyridoxine: 0.080 mg
Folates: 11 µg
Choline: 5.1 mg
Vitamin C: 53 mg
Vitamin A: 22 IU
Vitamin E: 0.15 mg
Sodium: 2 mg
Potassium: 138 mg
Calcium: 26 mg
Copper: 37 µg
Iron: 0.60 mg
Magnesium: 8 mg
Manganese: 0.030 mg
Phosphorus: 16 mg
Zinc: 0.06 mg
Beta Carotene: 3 µg
Alpha Carotene: 1 µg
Crypto-xanthin-ß: 20 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin: 11 µg
How to Select and Store Lemon/Nimbu
Select heavier and fresh lemons or nimbus with bright yellow color without any patches or marks. Heavier lemons with thin skin are loaded with more mineral and vitamins as well as juicier than others. Always select fully yellow lemons (instead of greenish) as they are fully ripened and very acidic. Avoid buying lemons having wrinkled skin, soft or patchy.
Lemons can be stored very easily at room temperature for at least 2 weeks however, if they are stored in the freeze, they can stay very fresh for at least 5-6 weeks.
How to Enjoy Lemons
It can be enjoyed by simply drinking lemon water in the morning or after every meal to enhance the digestive capacity. It can be used as a best room freshener. It can be added to the chatni, salad, steamed vegetables, vegetable juices, tea, samber, soups, stews and so many dishes according to the taste and necessity. It is also used in the variety of home remedies whether it is for health, fitness or beauty.
Disadvantages, Side Effects and Precautions of Lemon
  • Concentrated lemon juice has harmful effects over the teeth as it breaks down the teeth enamel or dentin because of its acidic nature. It is best to wash mouth with plain water immediately after drinking lemon water.
  • Applying lemon juice to skin increases the chance sunburn to the light-skinned people.
  • Drinking lemon juice may cause heartburn to the patient with gastroesphogeal reflux disease.
  • It may also cause allergy to some people.
  • Because of its high citric acid content it may cause irritation to the stomach if the one is suffering from the ulcer.
How Many Lemons Should You Drink a Day
Frequency of drinking lemon juice a day totally depends on the age, health and weight of the person. However, two times a day is normal. People having weight above 60 or 65 kg can drink 1 lemon juice a day otherwise ½ lemon juice is ok.

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